IH-634S - 21oz Selvedge Denim Straight Cut Jeans - Indigo
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Great wear & tear @theorocks
Yeah man. Those are dope. Well done
Hey, all, I bought a pair of 634s' maybe 12 or 13 years ago and decided they were too loose for me. Ended up returning them and got a different model, a pair of 461s that I still have to this day. (Very special pair to me since Giles had them made with silver rivets, incl. a crotch rivet, and had them hemmed in Japan since he just happened to be there at the time.)
But now I kind of want to look into 634s again and notice that they seem like they are cut a tiny bit slimmer. I have a pair of 666s and of course they don't seem that slim, but maybe a little slimmer.
Am I just seeing it that way and they are cut the exact same way they were 10+ years ago or are they, indeed, actually cut a tiny bit slimmer?
3 plus years in need of some repair wearing with wesco 7400
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@Thumbdisk different iterations and batches of the 634 have slightly different measurements but I don’t think Haraki-san has deliberately changed the cut otherwise. It remains a straight cut with a very slight taper and wider than the 666.
In fact @theorocks is demonstrating an nailed on 634 fit right here. Looking good buddy.
@Thumbdisk Same I think. I have 3 or 4 pairs from different time periods going back 8 years and all seem the same to me.
I found that they start to look kinda a touch baggy / loose at tag 33 or bigger but 32 or less looks good IMO
you've probably seen this before, I've started using a different search engine and this came up
aka the IH-634; let's hope they don't sue or @Giles gonna having to stop by with the magic marker and give us all 635s
Hey all.
I'm trying to buy one of the 21 essential jeans. If you had to pick one pair, would it be this one or one of the others from the 21 collection? I own a samurai jeans that are 25 oz so I don't know if I need another pair of those. Just looking for something that would be considered Iron Heart classics.