great pics DS, for such a rugged man you are very worldly & informed in a good way. . . & you did welding work on the Koons rabbit, incredible my dude.
mom should look happy she has lots to be proud of
**i feel a man crush coming on. . .
Giles glad to see you haven't lost your fine wit & charm with all the traveling ::)
here's my morning
what else you expect, this is how i celebrate President's Day. the wife & kids are out doing wife & kids stuff so i revert to my natural state
Today my IHSH-31 and 634s and me went to the Tsukiji fish market for a sushi breakfast. Here's me not lost ( my opinion) or lost (my wife's opinion, but she was wrong once again ;D):
Then we went for a coffee and icecream to a maid cafe in Akihabara. Probably one of the strangest and most memorable things I've done in a while. No pics were allowed inside but we got this one outside:
After that I went shopping for a sweater at loopwheeler in Harajuku. In front of the shop was this beautiful loopwheeling machine which I was totally hypnotized by:
Tomorrow is our last day in Japan for now and I have to say that it's been totally different from what I expected but in a good way. In two weeks we have only scratched the surface and I already know this is a place and country that I want to come to again.
nice Jii. . . but i never knew a husband could ever be right on anything . . . going to have to show this to that tuesday
great pictures as always
Finn666 nice preventative maintenance job