Giles glad to see you haven't lost your fine wit & charm with all the traveling ::)
here's my morning
what else you expect, this is how i celebrate President's Day. the wife & kids are out doing wife & kids stuff so i revert to my natural state
Today my IHSH-31 and 634s and me went to the Tsukiji fish market for a sushi breakfast. Here's me not lost ( my opinion) or lost (my wife's opinion, but she was wrong once again ;D):
Then we went for a coffee and icecream to a maid cafe in Akihabara. Probably one of the strangest and most memorable things I've done in a while. No pics were allowed inside but we got this one outside:
After that I went shopping for a sweater at loopwheeler in Harajuku. In front of the shop was this beautiful loopwheeling machine which I was totally hypnotized by:
Tomorrow is our last day in Japan for now and I have to say that it's been totally different from what I expected but in a good way. In two weeks we have only scratched the surface and I already know this is a place and country that I want to come to again.
nice Jii. . . but i never knew a husband could ever be right on anything . . . going to have to show this to that tuesday
great pictures as always
Finn666 nice preventative maintenance job
Tomorrow is our last day in Japan for now and I have to say that it's been totally different from what I expected but in a good way. In two weeks we have only scratched the surface and I already know this is a place and country that I want to come to again.
Sounds like you have had a great trip - love the pics - have been twice to Japan on short trips and agree it's SO different to my expectations - crazy and challenging and wonderful. Would love to hear more about the Maid Cafe! Safe journey home.
Makes me want to go to Japan even more now
Today we took one final stroll in Tokyo and ended up in Yoyogi park near Harajuku. We had the best of luck since we found four blossoming cherry trees! Both me and the wife feel so lucky for seeing these, here's pic I took:
Would love to hear more about the Maid Cafe!
The maid cafe we chose was a 5 or 6 story thingy with different themes on all floors. They fill up a whole floor at an exact time that's posted on a wall outside and the "show" lasts for an hour and a half. First your welcomed by a maid that's assigned to your table and chat for a while. Then you order drinks and food and choose if you want a picture taken with her or if you want to play games with her. I chose games. Then she brings you your order and there's some word games that you have to participate in at the same time as she pours milk in your coffee or writes something on your food with ketchup and weird stuff like that. Then you eat and the maids walk around and socialize with everyone in the cafe. After that there's a game that everyone participates in, yesterday it was rock, paper, scissors. It was kind of weird and confusing with lots of making faces and playing different animals. After that I played a game with the maid in which we competed who collected the most beans with chopsticks in a bowl. Then some more chatting (we got a very nice english speaking maid so the whole thing actually made some sense). After that we paid and got a diploma and then it was over and we left.
Everything was more "cute" than sexy, except for the girls outfits of course. There were all kinds of guests there, from a group of retirees to young girls. It was a really strange but funny thing that's really unique to Japan so I'm glad we went.
Right now I'm packing all my stuff and next we're going for a last sushi dinner before returning back home - which I must say after seeing loghills photo doesn't feel very good after the warm weather here ;D.