IHV-09 - Wool/Cotton Beach Vest
Good Intel and not too late, thank you. What kind of a wash did you give it, and did the fabric warp? Btw, I guess this was the coat featured in WAYWT recently? It looked great [emoji1434]
I posted it in the product thread, here: http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=8123.15
The fabric didn't seem to skew or warp, but definitely they use virgin wool when they manufacture these, lol. It got a cold wash in the machine (I wanted the fabric to soften, so I used fabric softener….. Lol!), and then a warm/delicate machine dry. This shing shrank up like a think slice of bacon in a hot skillet!!!!!
Having worn this beauty a good deal since I picked it up in December it had stretched a fair amount as most wool based fabrics will. Add to that the fact that I've lost 10kgs of weight it was getting to the point were I wasn't happy with the fit anymore. It was also fairly grubby Given what @UnTucked was able to supply of info I decided a wash was worth the risk. I've documented it here for the greater good.
I filled the bath tub 4" deep with water at 40C (tested the temp with a thermometer). I added a little specialist wool detergent and sunk the vest as I would if I was soaking jeans. I left it submerged for about 45 minutes then gave it some agitation to lift out the grime. I rinsed it it with cold water from the shower head and then squeezed as much excess water out by wringing the fabric with my hands. I repeated the rinse and wring to ensure all the soap was out. I laid it out flat to air dry overnight then let it air dry further on a hanger through out today.
The result is great. Firstly the fabric shows no sign of distortion; no skewing or warping or unfortunate creasing. I didn't measure it before washing (stupid) but the vest is an XL and has shrunk noticeably and uniformly (IH official XL measurements in brackets for comparison, but bear in mind mine had almost certainly stretched passed these):
P2P is 54.7cm (55.9)
Front length is 66.5 (68.6)
Back length is 60.8 (63.5)So it's now closer to an L and I'm very satisfied.
Grandpa vest back in action!
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Year after year…what a great piece of kit!