Where does everyone live?
@mclaincausey we're in Boulder if you ever find yourself this way, as well! If you ever stop through introduce yourself, I'll most likely be here ( I always am
Like I said, I'm living in Boulder! Some of you may be familiar. If you're not, it's just far enough from Denver to not be a suburb, but when school isn't in session it's actually a very quiet and calm town nestled up against the Rockies.
As for myself personally, I'm from a small town in Northeastern Ohio called Ashtabula. Cleveland area. If you're familiar, you understand the struggle, ha!
@canoeclub I have every intention of doing so! I just mentioned the other store because it would be slightly geographically closer to Chris. I am also curious about visiting Truman, even though I'm flush on footwear.
Ton of my friends transplanted to the front range from the Cleveland area as well.
I don't make it up there as much as I'd like being on the south side of Denver and having the obnoxious traffic we have on the front range, but I was in Boulder the weekend before Thanksgiving for an event my friends do annually at the Boulder Theatre, "The Last Waltz Revisited." We ate at Post (my favorite chicken in the area) and walked on over. Love downtown. Boulder and Fox Theatres are better than almost all the venues in Denver.
@mclaincausey looking forward to it, man! Man, I just had Post maybe a month or so ago for lunch. I don't eat much meat but I won't turn down any fried chicken, period. I do feel super fortunate to be able to utilize this whole area to the fullest in such a casual manner. My name is Chase, I'm the fella in most of the photos and stuff on Instagram. Excited to make some more denim friends in the area!
@mclaincausey looking forward to it, man! Man, I just had Post maybe a month or so ago for lunch. I don't eat much meat but I won't turn down any fried chicken, period. I do feel super fortunate to be able to utilize this whole area to the fullest in such a casual manner. My name is Chase, I'm the fella in most of the photos and stuff on Instagram. Excited to make some more denim friends in the area!
See ya soon buddy! Yeah that Nashville Hot is the thing of dreams. And their batter is gluten-free if that's a concern, though they chose the recipe based on how good the batter is, not based on trying to be gluten-free. Big Red F restaurant group does a good job in general.
Hello from Arizona! I'm new to the world of Iron Heart but it's quickly becoming an obsession. I look forward to being a part of this community.
Yeah, I’m a fan. Glad you caught that, I was talking to talking to a Minnesotan just yesterday, who hadn’t heard of them. She was older and stuck on Hüsker Dü and Seven Seconds though, so it was cool.
Surprised they are known in Norway. I think the band moved to New York some years ago, so Minnesota doesn't pop up as frequently in their lyrics as they once did. We're lucky to have a pretty great musical tradition here. I used to live 3 blocks from where Husker Du started doing gigs.
Haha… it’s mostly just me, don’t think I’ve met another Norwegian who knows them. I’m British living in Norway, and a fan of all kinds of punk and post-punk/indie. THS have definitely opened my eyes to a lot of stuff both old and new from the area. I was HD fan from way back though.