IH-526Lod - 19oz Left-Hand Twill Selvedge Denim Type III - Indigo Overdyed Black
@Jordonf9 Just wondering how your jacket's looking these days! Your pics from back in May on Page 9 show just about the nicest evo of any jacket I've ever seen. Also curious as to how much stretch you ended up getting after apparently sizing it pretty snugly out the gate. Cheers!
@nurunuru Using page numbers as a reference is no help. Users can change the number of posts they view per page in their profile. I think the default is 10 or 20, but mine is set to 50. Best thing to do is click on the title of the post you want to refer to and then copy and paste the URL
@nurunuru Using page numbers as a reference is no help. Users can change the number of posts they view per page in their profile. I think the default is 10 or 20, but mine is set to 50. Best thing to do is click on the title of the post you want to refer to and then copy and paste the URL
Copy that. Thanks.
I know I say it almsot every post…fav jacket ever....ha.
I was referring to these pics. Which I feel that, given their quality, can surely bear to be repeated
Early Feb
Now the only remaining question is:
How late is ‘Early Feb’ going to be ?Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Like mid to late
Gaman dekimasu ( ̄- ̄;)
@neph93 Right on! I've been enjoying the updates on the ToTTTTT thread these past few months, but have yet to properly dig into its murkier beginnings. Especially enjoyed @Megatron1505 's slice-of-life-Up-North postings from the jacket's more recent history.
Thank you sir @nurunuru
Like mid to late
Gaman dekimasu ( ̄- ̄;)
that's good, but still… zannen desu...
Thanks @Paul9221 !
@Matty123 looking sharp ….I want this jacket, waiting to check measurements on imminent restock
Thanks @theorocks it’s a great jacket!
How to indigo, courtesy of @supremegonzo