Random questions to which you seek an answer
Thank you!
Is it my imagination, or were there 21oz double knee indigo jeans in production until recently? They had the same double front as the overalls.
Are you thinking of these?
https://www.ironheart.co.uk/extinct/ih-822.htmlNo plans to rerun them I am afraid.
Thanks @alex I think those are what I was thinking of, but I can't remember the contrast stitching. No matter, thanks for confirming for me though.
I think this is random enough to go here?
I'm trying to figure out why even after I resize my pictures before posting after they get posted they appear blury-ish? Im reducing them by 50% before uploading.Any tips wold be great, thanks!
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Yeah I upload through tapatalk then add them as an attachment. Its weird
Maybe I should try without using the app and just go to the website?
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Yeah I upload through tapatalk then add them as an attachment. Its weird
Maybe I should try without using the app and just go to the website?
I expect it is the reduction you’re doing. Tapatalk/the forum will then reduce them again causing further degradation of the image.
I upload full quality SLR jpegs with Tapatalk and they look pretty good. I don’t need to do anything with them beforehand.
I also upload via tapatalk and don't do anything to the image prior to adding as an attachment. Mine upload well enough.
Thanks all! I appreciate the help.
I'll give it a shot not resizing and see what happens.
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This question is probably for @Giles or @Alex Just curious as to how the pre-ordering,for the Forum Anniversary Shirt,ended up working out? Was it more work than you thought or possibly not so bad,that you might consider doing it again for a limited or special release. I personally like/don’t mind putting $100 up front and thereby lessening the payment at the end. I also like knowing that I’ll definitely be able to get something I really want. I know you had enlightened us previously as to the pre-ordering problems,but if this went smoothly and it wasn’t a crazy amount of extra work,maybe you might consider trying it again in the future.
I'd love to pre-order items for the reasons you mentioned @Jett129. What if only "cool" people could pre-order them?
^ Agree with this. Maybe have it be limited to individuals who have a buying history from IH? Or limited to individuals who have made X or more purchases from IH. Hopefully that would cut down on anyone backing out.
I know that I will be in the minority opinion, but I think preorders would be more trouble than they’re worth, and may end up souring what were once good customer relationships. Loyalty from those of us who are going to continue to buy no matter what is already guaranteed. Preorders would be a needless complication that might lead to hurt feelings from lots of different angles. At least when it’s luck of the draw, things are transparent, and there’s no question of why someone got a product, or missed out on a product.
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