Random Announcements
Can I get a RAMEN, brother!..
The Belgians command of the English language is impressive.
Thanks boys.
@steelworker -
The morning after pic. This is what “What did you wear yesterday?” looks like…
All IH outfit
My mother in law is very certain about everything she talks about. She's always wrong, but she's very certain.
Waxing a canvas jacket yourself is surprisingly fulfilling
I agree. I do my Barbour annually and always look forward to it. Shoe polishing too.
Any advice on removing excess wax? I got carried away on a couple spots
Reheat with a heat gun and wipe away the excess?
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There's a Youtube channel i've been watching a lot of recently called Japanology. The host of the channel travels around Japan and interviews people about all manner of subjects, some of which you might enjoy.
Any advice on removing excess wax? I got carried away on a couple spots
Agree with Gaseous. For me it’s a two day project. Day one put on pretty heavy and slightly sloppy. Day two reheat jacket and smoot with a fresh sponge. Evens everything right out.