@Clint_D that looks awesome. How have you found the process so far? Dic you end up using a credit union to only need one closing ? We are finishing up our design with the engineers in the next couple weeks and need to find a lender next. Sketch up from out architect is way more interesting then the actual plans. Single story 3bd 2 bath.
Thanks @Penny_pants! Where will you be building?
For us, it's been a pretty smooth process so far compared to our remodel, other than the typical issues with the City of Austin permitting department. We ended up going through Regions bank and we were able to get a construction loan with a one-time close which was lower than our existing interest rate @3.875%. Interestingly enough, my buddy who is doing the design/build process is upset that we're not farther along right now. Apparently, a few suppliers are so backed up, we're going to be at a stopping point in the near future while waiting on windows from Milgard. It's also been a slower process than normal as the framers are shorthanded enough to be working weekend in an effort to catch up with demand.
We’re building in N.C. glad it’s going smooth, know that’s not always the case. Permitting shouldn’t be to bad since it’s untouched land so nothing to tear down or remediate. Although got a feeling sewer and driveway are going to be $$$ house will be set back about 200ft from the road. I’d be happy with 3.875% ; two credit unions I’ve spoken to are lending at 4.25 and 4.5. Need to look around harder once we get a better estimate on the build cost. Lots of new stuff going up in my area too, people using equity for additions with the low rates I think.
Good luck! Feel free to PM me if you'd like any advice or info. Are you building on some acreage? One of our bigger issues has been setbacks and the logistics of building on such a tight lot (~40'x~120'). Hope the lending goes smoothly, it seems like rates have been trending down so you can find something that fits your needs.
Also, if you're new to the process, you should check out this youtube channel. Matt Risinger is local to me and is incredibly knowledgeable and always staying up to date with new building technology. He builds some incredible houses!
Yeah, rates have been dropping enough that we’re looking into refinancing, even though we closed back in December, crazy as that is.
Thanks Clint. I’ll likely reach out over the weekend. It’s on .6 acres, we’ll have about 15 feet to both sides of the house not including the 10ft setback. So shouldn’t run into issues there. It’s. Triangle ish lot with the widest being at the front. We’re building towards the back to get further off the road.
Love a good YouTube channel, I’ll check it out for sure, thanks !
My billiard/entertaining room.
Looks amazing!
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Getting a little decorating done in the shop bathroom.
Our project keeps chugging along. Got a few things knocked out:
The tile guys did an amazing job:
Floors were installed:
I performed a redneck method of Shou Sugi Ban on some leftover cedar siding we had to create the balcony ceiling:
I've been working on prepping some cedar for some accent walls with plenty of help from my parents. We'll continue milling, planing, jointing and routing all of this to go up as shiplap:
FYI, that's my dad in the grey hoodie, I've given him a pair of IH loggers but he likes his dad jeans!
Looks great with a bit of Tung Oil:
Beautiful home!
Damn, I love all of that. The tile is especially fantastic.