Random questions to which you seek an answer
Heddels had an article on 7 fabrics to keep you warm this Winter,one of which,was Moleskin. There was also a link to a previous article about the history of Moleskin. I found this all quite interesting and informative as I knew nothing about it. Made me curious as to wether or not there was anything special/unique about the Moleskin that IH uses for it’s shirts. One of the characteristics of the fabric that they mentioned is wind resistance,which makes me think it might make good motorcycle riding pants,especially when it’s colder.
Lots of different types of Moleskin. My old pants used to be extremely heavy (stand up on their owny)
From Wiki:
_Moleskin is a heavy cotton fabric, woven and then sheared to create a short, soft pile on one side. The feel and appearance of its nap is similar to felt or chamois, but less plush than velour. The word is also used for clothing made from this fabric. Clothing made from moleskin is noted for its softness and durability. Some variants of the cloth are so densely woven as to be windproof.
Its name is due to the soft brushed hand of the fabric, similar to the skin of a mole._
Like denim, there are millions of variants
1980s German moleskin pants used to be my favorite. They are so soft.
Curious to know if US tariffs are going to affect when we buy from IHUK.
I guess it says EU. But I don't know what status the UK is considered now.
Austinians: any places to look for gear/kit in Austin other than Stag? taking the wife to a girly party in Lakeway tomorrow and looking for something to do in the “area”.
wouldnt be oppsed to meeting for a barley pop if anyone was so inclined either. supposed to be a b. e. a. utiful day.
Am I the only one who is having a connection problem on selected threads on the forum?
When I click onto General Chat, I get this https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?board=4.0
When I click on News - The Flat Head - News, I can read it up to page three https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=12816.30, but when I try to click page 4, I get this again https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=12816.45.
The page says: You have caught us with our pants down. Bear with us while we tinker this site.
Not sure why, perhaps it has something to do with my computer. I am using Google Chrome. Thougths and remedies?Update: Everything seems to be working fine now.
Austinians: any places to look for gear/kit in Austin other than Stag? taking the wife to a girly party in Lakeway tomorrow and looking for something to do in the “area”.
wouldnt be oppsed to meeting for a barley pop if anyone was so inclined either. supposed to be a b. e. a. utiful day.
Probably a day late with an answer but Service is another cool shop - I bought quite a few pieces from there back in the day
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Has anyone had their IH shirt "hemmed?" My wabash is is great but rather long. I wanted to see if it was possible to take it in.
Awesome. Thanks.
I finally found someone selling a second hand IHSH-193 and I've been looking for it in size small for a long while…
It's in size M with the following measurements:
Shoulder width: 45cm
Chest width: 54cm
Legth from back: 75cm
Sleeve length: 65cmI want to get 3cm shrinkage on all of those measurements. Is it possible to achieve that with a tumble dryer? I would periodically check to not over-shrink it. I would never do this to any of my other shirts but the IHSH-193 is an absolute favourite of mine so...
Highly doubtful. They are once washed to remove shrinkage, and that will be an industrial wash. A full 90C wash followed by a tumble dry may give you something, but it won’t be 3cm on all dims, and you risk damaging the fabric giving it that kind of treatment.
Ah, damn it… Thanks for the reply @neph93, I'll pass on purchasing it then.
Once again - RIP dreams of IHSH-193
If it's just 3 cm too big, I'm sure it would still look good on you. I don't think most people would be able to tell the difference between a shirt that's three centimeters too big.
If it's just 3 cm too big, I'm sure it would still look good on you. I don't think most people would be able to tell the difference between a shirt that's three centimeters too big.
Thanks for the feedback. I don't mind what people think about me in that regard. It's actually due to the fact that I'm a short guy. I don't feel comfortable wearing something slightly larger than what I usually wear. That's why I'm quite pedantic when it comes to the measurements.
If the shirt were large on just one area, I'd perhaps give it a thought on having it professionally altered. However unfortunately it's all of the areas.