White Kloud
@Madame Buttonfly has joined the club.
Took almost 2 years for them to be made, but boy were they worth the wait…
The construction is impeccable. I'll get some good shots soon….
Those dark green boots below are the nicest boots i have seen. First time i have heard of this brand.
So cool to see how beautifully Madame Buttonfly’s sandals came out. They are outstanding.
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I'm very lucky!
damn. those look lovely. i wonder what's the idea behind the arc for sandals?
^ thankgoodness. At first i thought they were yours.
ahh i see. interesting point. never seen sandals made that way before. but then again, all i've seen mostly are just birks.
Beautiful sunny spring day yesterday, hopefully I'll be wearing them soon
@Giles how are those White Klouds of yours looking these days?