So Julie decided that our yard needs improvement. Last year she got on board with the idea of native, low maintenance, minimal watering needed landscaping, rather than the American standard "let's cover everything in sod and water it four days a week!" approach. So for water retention, we have mulch. A lot of mulch. And who gets the job of spreading it? That's right, this guy.
This is yesterday, when I was roughly 1/3 of the job done. The rest goes in the back yard next weekend, where I'll be planting some fruit trees and doing whatever additional diabolical manual labor she's dreamed up for me. Luckily, temperatures are only in the mid 90s F, (low 30s C) so at least it's not ungodly hot.Today is more pleasant
Nice! [mention]twin [/mention]
Just saw that morel pic.
Did you find more or just the one?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
@Chap you make that guy look like a slob. Im sure he's nice and all, but man, killing it
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Oh, that’s just clothes, nothing real… he is a super nice guy, a true friend and one of the most progressive biodynamic winemakers (member of the Nicolas Joly’s prestigious Renaissance de Appellation Group https://renaissance-des-appellations.com/en/presentation-return-to-terroir/ ) of the world...
Yes, just meant to draw attention to the stark contrast between the clothes. I agree, clothes are just that. Keep wearing that jacket, just awesomeness.
I'll forward that info to my brother-in-law since he works in the wine business.
Anyway, keep on rocking!
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