IHSH-62-ind - 12oz Wabash Western Shirt - Indigo
Coming from you , that is high praise @den1mhead
just purchase mine from SESF..i love the style..however its a bit long(im short!) does anyone recommend doing a hot wash and (god forbid) putting it in a med dryer?
The indigo wabash shrinks a bit anyway with wear and 40-degree Celsius wash. The sleeves will shorten a bit as you wear it and get creases in the elbows, and the back length will shorten after washing and wearing, especially as this fabric has a tendency to fold/roll up a bit at the bottom back. How much do you want it to shrink? Some fit pics might make it easier for folks to share their experience/suggestions.
The problem is you can’t tell the shirt to only shrink in the length. It’s going to shrink to some degree all over. I tend to size up these days and hot wash and dry my shirts and get the shrinkage over with. My drier has been nicknamed The Shrinkmaster 2000. I don’t recommend doing this,as it is risky.
I have hot washed and machine dried indigo wabash a number of times. There is a decent amount of shrinkage to be had. But please do soak the garment thoroughly before washing if you are going to put it in the machine. Use the shower head. And low spin too.
Otherwise everything @Alex_24 says is spot on.
Fit pics? Let’s see some more wabby love!
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Love the three different levels of fading here, nice work!
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…the fun continues! Have this shirt heading my way as I type.
I really do like the copper snaps every one is sporting but the 'pearl snaps' are a no brainer. Their going to look great with the white stitching and vertical dots!
Pearls on a western work horse!
Can't wait, pics to come!
Any idea when there might be a restock on these?
in about a week…..
Oh that's not bad. Thanks!