Random Love (anti-rants)
!Dios mío!
That shirt reminds me of a field of wildflowers.
It's really great.
What a score, @Chap!
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Thanks @sabergirl yes looks like I snatched a rarity
It’s a tartan, it’s purple… Highlander Heather!
Wait, wait. Is that a future work shirt?
I've been asking for a purple and cream buffalo check, but that's close enough for me.
It looks medium weight to me.
LMAO I stand corrected
I always bitch about having to wear a safety harness and dual retractable lanyard. They are very heavy and uncomfortable. But mine saved me from about a 30 foot fall today.
I fell about 2 feet instead and got a sweet bruise on my butt. It kind of put me in a good mood though. It made me laugh at least.
Damn dude they’re annoying as hell but glad you were geared up!
I've fallen a couple times from about half as high and always managed to grab something on the way down. The worst fall I I ever had without a harness was when I was putting vinyl siding on the garage and a bee flew up the back of my shirt and the ladder tipped over and hit a retaining wall on the way down, flinging me to the ground like a catapult. I just got a sprained wrist. Needless to say, I got even with those bees… with lots of gasoline and a match.