MLB (Baseball)
I'd love to see the Dodgers win in 7 over Boston, mainly because they are my dad's team going back to when they were in Brooklyn, and as a Cubs fan I've always liked Boston since they had a similar run of futility. That said, it would have been historically interesting to have back to back franchise-first WS titles (Astros, Brewers), and I don't think the odds are very good of either NL team beating either AL team, probably less so for the Dodgers unless Kershaw and Hill can continue to dominate.
I thought the Astros would take Boston out but man they are a murderer's row of a batting order and the bullpen was good enough against another formidable lineup.
Red Sox!!!
We were just talking about this and I can't stop laughing
I am definitely getting his jersey.
I call it "gambling and losing"
Jays are on a roll! Awesome walk off W just now
O's beat Yanks. Go figure
All I want is a winning season from the Phillies. Playoffs? Yeah, it's be awesome, but I moved away from Philadelphia nearly a decade ago and a winning season hasn't happened since
O's beat Yanks. spoke too soon Friday ::)
The Jays on a roll! Got to take 3 of 4 against NY. I know it’s a long shot for them to make the playoffs but meaningful baseball in September is good enough for me.
Let’s go Blue Jays!
All I want is a winning season from the Phillies. Playoffs? Yeah, it's be awesome, but I moved away from Philadelphia nearly a decade ago and a winning season hasn't happened since
got your wish @Joberwocky
It's definitely exciting, even if they kinda fell backwards into it
Oof. The Jays really blew it. Embarrassing really.
Whiz Kids gotta man up today