Random Love (anti-rants)
@neph93 @popvulture Flanneltown in Northern Norway! Can someone please get on this?
dunno about that m8
Totally understand you are sceptical, but Jack there is experiencing an inland winter. On the coast autumn lasts from August to November and spring from April to June. Winter is stormy and brutal, but relavtively short. The downside is that the same applies to summer [emoji38]
Hmmmm ok I'm smellin' what you're steppin' in. That does sound pretty delightful.
I do wonder if I could survive the dark months. I need my vitamin D.
I do wonder if I could survive the dark months. I need my vitamin D.
Fish innards for breakfast. Every damn day [emoji23]
It's important to be able to cast unpleasant necessities as joys in life
In Minnesota, the natives [convince themselves they] love the cold and even the short days, and not just because they scare away a lot of riff raff who would otherwise live in the beautiful state. And of course many of them pretend that lutefisk is a delicacy. I for one don't mind cold either, but I valued the short winter days mainly because they means long summer days during the two weeks (ha) we could use our pool.
In all seriousness, living in the cold is a big reason this Mississippi boy got into Iron Heart.
@mclaincausey I complain a lot about the heat, but honestly here in Missouri it’s only miserable from late May through August. The rest of the year is pretty nice and “Iron Heart friendly”
This week will hopefully prove me right
It's funny — I left NY, which I consider to be pretty much the max cold I want to tolerate (and I definitely could deal with it), for hot-ass Austin. Finding middle ground doesn't seem to be my strong suit
I do really love cold weather, just not a fan when it drags on for too long. I remember being about to completely lose my shit when it was still cold in May a couple years in NY. One day I'll find a place with some balance, hopefully before angry Mother Nature gets rid of all that.
We had a 60's and 70's day here in Annapolis today and it was a wonderful day to bust out some Iron Heart. Unfortunately 90 something degree days we'll through September are not uncommon. Wife and I are considering moving out Midwest, maybe Michigan or the like. I'd consider myself a cold weather guy
Cold is great. Walking outside into the cold from a warm environment is bracing and reminds you that you're alive. Winter sports and activities are a lot of fun too (though ice fishing should be relegated to survivalism and necessity versus a deliberate pastime IMO). My biggest issues living in a very cold area were the shortness and gloominess of the days (going to and from work in darkness is a bummer) and some of the hassles like snow accumulation, wear and tear on your vehicle, etc. I definitely am not huge on double-digit negative Fahrenheit temps but with the right gear even such extremes are survivable. With cold weather you can always bundle up. With hot weather there are only so many layers you can remove.
I love warm weather too and all the outdoor activities, camping, hiking, biking, mountain biking, fishing, etc.
I think what I hate most is hot and steamy weather like I grew up suffering through summers in Central MS. As much as I love Austin (and tried to move there as well as to New Orleans at different times from MS, @popvulture ), that would have been a problem for me there.
With cold weather you can always bundle up. With hot weather there are only so many layers you can remove.
I feel like I've said this so many times in conversations with people haha. I'm 1000% with you on this, would much rather be too cold than too hot.
I also feel ya on the MS heat — god that was horrible. I feel like Austin's a treat comparatively. It's still humid, but I typically envision it as halfway between Mississippi and out west. Still hot and sticky at times, but much more tolerable.
Shout outs to @Graham. We were chatting yesterday late morning about my stacked items to get them shipped and the box has just been delivered. It's not that I live in Portsmouth where you can drop it on the way home. I live in Switzerland. That's simply impressive, thanks guys and thanks UPS, they deserve a bit of the credit
Oh and the IHSH-07 is georgeous. -
You're welcome buddy.
some say he's still got a carrot in his box
Just want to give a shout out to @Chesson and the whole IH crew for their awesome customer service. I had the pleasure of dealing with chesson today and in typical IH customer service fashion I was well taken care of. I can never say enough how much I appreciate the great customer service that is given by everyone on the IH crew. Thanks again guys, we appreciate you.