Hahaha, I think I completely mentally blocked out the Christmas episode, that was shit…
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It was surreal when the musical numbers broke out. The wholesomeness was cloying.
Another critique I have is around the sponsorship issue. That was a thing and then it was not a thing. It advanced a storyline of the team and management having each other’s backs now I guess but I feel like that thread should probably have had a little more to it.
I think for me it is all about the writing. The non stop jokes that are so subtle is something that really keeps me engaged. I also love the overwhelming sense of positivity, it's refreshing and I appreciate that they are pulling it off without it being obnoxious, so far anyway. Christmas episode notwithstanding
I would agree with that by and large–but I would love to see more challenges and conflict--not a lot of them, that would throw of that kind of innocent balance the show has. But Season One had that with the storyline of the sabotage. It's a fine balance but the show is too saccharine without that tension IMO, so I think S2 has taken a step back overall.
Though I guess the intention is for Ted's mental health to be serve that role now, and I do applaud them for taking on that topic.
Note: I am a couple of episodes behind.
Ya know, I was gonna start up squid game tonight, glad I'll hate everyone
Oh Ted, what happened??? You seem to have lost your way…
Oh KEN BURNS, you fucking maniac… Started watching BASEBALL: a film by Ken Burns. A film?.. Surely it'll be somewhat brief... Well... It's a 11-part (!) documentary, each episode spanning almost 2 hours... I just finished part 1... And got to 1890... And that's not a typo... 1890... No moving footage, it comprises of black and white pictures, stories and letters read out... It's fantastic...
The same nutter just released a 4 part doc on MUHAMED ALI... All in all almost 8 hours of footage... Can't wait...
I killed like 5 episodes of Squid Game last night because my wife actually asked to watch it. It's surprisingly compelling and definitely entertaining if you can look past the "people are constantly dying" episode structure.
As a lover of SciFi, I am sorry to say that so far Apple TV's "Foundation" is (so far) very weak. Its one redeeming feature is that it's visually impressive. However, the characters are wooden. The overall story and the original concepts are excellent (thank you Isaac), but the TV rendition and subplots are feeble.
It's unfortunate scifi is usually so absolutely hit or miss, story wise
Marbles episode of squid game tearing me up
@endo I was pleasantly surprised with Squid Game, I agree it worth a watch. A bit more downer towards the end than I thought it would be, but I think a happier ending would have been less genuine. Also, left open for continuation, which I'd watch.
My wife and I both love "What We Do in the Shadows". The writing is excellent, the whole cast is talented and appear to be enjoying themselves, and it's nice to watch a "low stakes" show. I don't need to be cliff hangered or feel anxious during everything I watch
it's nice to watch a "low stakes" show. I don't need to be cliff hangered or feel anxious during everything I watch…
I do need that 95% of the time, but the other 5% WWDITS is my go-to.