Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
While we’re talking about it, I still think a cpo made out of flagship 21oz denim would be awesome.
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??? genius!
IH Team - why no type 3 leather vests? For example, an extractor and/or 64? Not enough demand to justify production? Thanks!
Giles - Understood - thanks for explaining. Grateful for all the great IH products/releases and the excellent customer experience. Thanks!!!!
They always say you can’t have everything. At least we have a place where we can express our desires any you can crush our dreams
You know, I hate buffets because what I choose to put on my plate is never as good as what professional chefs put together. I'm glad that Iron Heart makes what they think is best and not what I would choose, which would probably be 99% crap
Case-in-point, those SS/22 Wabash work jackets look SO much better than I ever would've imagined.
Same cut as the untucked, in 21oz. Instant classic. Flap pockets would be nice too, just no yokes.
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no yokes and flap pockets?? be still my beating heart!
Any chance of a type II ever coming back out?
Any chance of a type II ever coming back out?
There’s a type ii coming out in the 16oz slub probs early next year (I think). I’m hoping for one in the 21oz indigo black that’s coming
There is.
And a black/black later in the year…