Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
I feel like the herringbone would be well-suited to being a work shirt with snaps. For that matter, I’d love to see a wabash version. And a new 91 with the regular hickory…
I need to get me a work shirt with snaps. Damn. Good thing there’s three to choose from, eh?
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don't care for sashiko myself
I think the fabric looks and feels great but I've never seen it on anything heavy. I once picked up a PBJ sashiko type III but returned it because IH has totally spoiled me when it comes to type III heft expectations I can see how sashiko might not line up with the IH brand but I still think it could be an awesome fabric for a western or work shirt.
Sashiko can be VERY heavy. Pick up a GI made with the stuff. The version that most fashion brands have woven is less robust. I think it would kick ass to have an ultra-heavy Iron Heart version, but I totally get why there isn’t one. The market is also pretty saturated with it at this point.
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Yes on the Western version of a 308, but prefer Pearl HD snaps. Sorry @neph93. That said, if it came with black diamond snaps, I could swap them out, so both parties are happy!
The chances of it coming with diamond snaps are thin to non-existent. Folks don’t dig in them. Fortunately I think their is a stash of them at IHUK, so I could likely get them applied.
@neph93 I definitely dig them in the right shirt, I.e dark plain shirts
I Google Auda and I get about 20 ways to use the bleeding word….
It isn’t really a word. It’s a sound that covers everything from “poor you”, or “that must of hurt” to “oh dear”. In this case it’s a polite form of “bugger, that’s a shame” mixed with a little bit of “I really am a twat”.
I keep seeing the chatter about the IHSH-64…. How about a remake, in half-western, or workshirt style with flap pockets and snaps. Black, burgundy, grey, and NAVY...
I would love a new 64. My original in black got to be too snug on me and I’d love to replace it.
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Dark burgundy 64 in any cut would be a definite for me.
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Damn that's a real bummer