Random questions to which you seek an answer
Shit that reminds me I need to get on there and check it out.
Last I checked it's under maintenance.
@Paul9221 @mclaincausey @popvulture thanks guys, the beta testing period is over for now, we'll have a more concrete timeline worked out this week. I've been pulling all the feedback together so we can get cracking on areas that need work! I'll keep you posted
Ah! So sorry I never got around to getting set up on there — life got busy. Nonetheless super psyched to see the new version!
@popvulture It was a short time period for the testing. I was still getting used to it, and most likely didn't provide the feedback they hoped for. There's so much new to learn that you don't know where to start playing around.
That being said it seemed to have some good more modern features and after some initial system shock we will all acclimate to in time
A lot of it is the visual @Matt, and what you see, and where, when you scroll. The crew stated that this is not at all a final design, both visually and functionally so I don't want to come across off putting.
I can't speak for everyone but the few i interacted with on there seemed to echo similar. It takes time to get used to a new operating system and format, but I'm sure Alex and the team will make it as smooth as possible.
And by trial and error I mean the crew getsa thousand questions a day on how to do stuff.
They'll probably like that a lot better than our usual, constant nagging about restocks
I spent quite a bit of time testing the new forum: I would say 1/3 feels familiar, and a 1/3 feels foreign, and the final 1/3 is easy to learn. There is a lot of potential with the new forum and could be great if we all put effort into it.
As testers we were asked to test the functionality of the platform and provide feedback. The look was temporary and will be fixed closer to release.
I honestly feel that 90% of us will adapt easily, but it will require some effort on our part to feel natural.
@jordanscollected all feedback is good feedback mate! I appreciate it can feel different, especially after how familiar the current one feels but we'll make it as easy as we can, so it still feels familiar but has the benefits of a newer platform
@popvulture I don't consider it nagging, just inquisitive?
Having tried the beta forum I think the benefits of the new platform outweigh the short period of adjustment
Probably a question for [mention]Giles [/mention] or someone familiar with really old snaps. Is there a way to replace the IHD-01 snaps? As I’ve worn this shirt, I’d prefer a more stealth look now and want to replace with a darker snap. Would a local tailor be able to do this if I provided new snaps? Thanks for any help everyone!
If a NO-LOT is too restrictive in the rise, rides down below my butt when sitting, is generally good in the top block width, but tapers much too quickly for my thighs below the opening, and is too tight around my knees/calves.
If an 888 has way too much room in the top block and rise for the waist that fits me, i.e. bad diaper butt and crotch and massive pantaloon legs.
If a 666 is just about perfect in the top block width and rises, slightly narrow but still comfortable in the thigh opening, awesome in the mid to lower thigh (at & below pocket bag), and awesome in the knee/calf area, but on occasion I wouldnt mind a narrower hem or tapered leg;
Would a 777 work for me? The rise will be questionably low, but there's enough variation among all the cuts I can find one that will be close. How about the top block width, looks a decent amount wider despite similar'ish thigh dims? I can connect the two dots between the thigh and knee measurements, but I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly how fast it tapers and how wide the top block will be based on comparison pictures in the links below;
https://www.ironheart.co.uk/content/our-cuts-jeansAs a note, I have a pretty low tolerance for anything constricting on my claves or behind my knee when bending. Should I just stick with the 666? Thanks in advance!