Random questions to which you seek an answer
@jordanscollected all feedback is good feedback mate! I appreciate it can feel different, especially after how familiar the current one feels but we'll make it as easy as we can, so it still feels familiar but has the benefits of a newer platform
@popvulture I don't consider it nagging, just inquisitive?
Having tried the beta forum I think the benefits of the new platform outweigh the short period of adjustment
- about a month later
Probably a question for [mention]Giles [/mention] or someone familiar with really old snaps. Is there a way to replace the IHD-01 snaps? As I’ve worn this shirt, I’d prefer a more stealth look now and want to replace with a darker snap. Would a local tailor be able to do this if I provided new snaps? Thanks for any help everyone!
If a NO-LOT is too restrictive in the rise, rides down below my butt when sitting, is generally good in the top block width, but tapers much too quickly for my thighs below the opening, and is too tight around my knees/calves.
If an 888 has way too much room in the top block and rise for the waist that fits me, i.e. bad diaper butt and crotch and massive pantaloon legs.
If a 666 is just about perfect in the top block width and rises, slightly narrow but still comfortable in the thigh opening, awesome in the mid to lower thigh (at & below pocket bag), and awesome in the knee/calf area, but on occasion I wouldnt mind a narrower hem or tapered leg;
Would a 777 work for me? The rise will be questionably low, but there's enough variation among all the cuts I can find one that will be close. How about the top block width, looks a decent amount wider despite similar'ish thigh dims? I can connect the two dots between the thigh and knee measurements, but I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly how fast it tapers and how wide the top block will be based on comparison pictures in the links below;
https://www.ironheart.co.uk/content/our-cuts-jeansAs a note, I have a pretty low tolerance for anything constricting on my claves or behind my knee when bending. Should I just stick with the 666? Thanks in advance!
I think it would. I shifted from 666 which I loved otherwise to get a tighter calf, as the 666 would stack on the shaft tops of my boots and I thought the tighter hem would stay in place (I was right). It sounds to me like exactly what you would want, at least based on my own similar requirements, @pechelman
Thanks for the vote of confidence, mclaincausey.
Am I right in the understanding the top block width for similar waist measurements will be slightly wider in a 777? If you use your pockets for anything, is there similar room in both cuts?
I've struggled to understand this with my experience of 12.7" thighs and a 9.0" knee on a NO-LOT being much too tight in the pocket, mid & lower thigh, behind knee, and calves compared to 12.2-12.5" and 9.0" (brand new or shrunken dims) being just about right on the 666.
Should I just stick with the 666? Thanks in advance!
Probably, yes.
The 777's have a reasonably small top block and taper the entire length of the leg.
All IH jeans have limited room/depth in the front pockets.
Thanks, neph.
It was some of your comments though that made me think a 777 could be an option since it's been noted many times that the 666 has the narrowest? top block of all the cuts. Also the video that theshopvancouver helped.
I'm good with the narrow top block, so really the unknown is the amount of taper from the thigh through knee. For another pair, it would be nice to see if I can get a different cut with some taper, at least that would help justify them assuming they fit ok. Honestly, t's the NO-LOT experience I had with a nearly identical 666 knee measurement and larger thigh opening that's very confusing.
Very random but I keep coming back to this thought so I’m going to ask.
My local dead animal museum has a set of Mexican dressed fleas (apparently people used to make a living collecting dead fleas, sewing little outfits for them, dressing them and selling them to tourists). I guess 21oz denim and UHF can’t be scaled down to flea sizes, so the question is what is the smallest animal that could conceivably wear IH?