Random questions to which you seek an answer
Although I wash mine inside out, I’m not entirely convinced it does anything. If you wash them by themselves then the only thing to agitate would be the smooth interior of the machine. If you wash them inside out then they agitate against themselves which is more abrasive. They’ll fade far more with wear than with washing. @swiss-jeansfreak never washes his and I’ve never seen a more faded pair of jeans here or anywhere else.
I’m sorry @chrisjohnnick but once I convince Katie expatriate and move to the UK I’ll be
weaselingapplying for the next available position. The seed was slyly planted in Gosport and I’ve been lovingly tending to it daily.side question: are there any openings in the stubborn crew?
side side question: are there any openings in Nashville, TN?
I am quite stubborn and have loads of skills.
I don't know if you two @chrisjohnnick @Matt were serious (or any others are interested)…but I just got an email that Division Road is looking for staff. (Charlottesville VA)
If they open a shop in NM I’dbe serious. I’d love to work for an IH retailer but I’m not interested in relocating to VA. I worked in retail for 6 years and in customer service for 30.
@chrisjohnnick on the other hand is but a hop/skip/jump from VA. :-\
This is a coincidence, was just messaging another forum member about washing and buttoning, but in that case in relation to bleaching. I found that unbuttoned jeans folded over creating a more bleached diagonal line between bottom of fly and pocket, so when bleaching the second time I buttoned them up and there was no diagonal line the second time. So while the bleach is accelerating the process, this seems like evidence that leaving denim unbuttoned might, over time, leave an undesirable fade from where the fabric can fold. But if the wash is gentle this is probably negligible so not really anything to worry about, unless you are bleaching. In which case, button and bleach big.
Well, 8.5 hrs each way would be a little more a commute than I'd want, but…
I mean, I guess technically when I was a touring musician I did have longer commutes
I would seriously consider a store that was in the Nashville area, though. I'd be serious (like, for serious serious) about starting up a conversation about opening up a brick and mortar in the Nashville area that carried IH, and maybe some other brands, but definitely more IH focused. I think I remember Giles mentioning at one point that they get a lot of requests for retailers wanting to stock products, but the waitlist is pretty long.
Well, 8.5 hrs each way would be a little more a commute than I'd want, but…
I mean, I guess technically when I was a touring musician I did have longer commutes
I would seriously consider a store that was in the Nashville area, though. I'd be serious (like, for serious serious) about starting up a conversation about opening up a brick and mortar in the Nashville area that carried IH, and maybe some other brands, but definitely more IH focused. I think I remember Giles mentioning at one point that they get a lot of requests for retailers wanting to stock products, but the waitlist is pretty long.
If you want to talk, just email me..
Well, that escalated quickly! Email incoming shortly!
Although I wash mine inside out, I’m not entirely convinced it does anything. If you wash them by themselves then the only thing to agitate would be the smooth interior of the machine. If you wash them inside out then they agitate against themselves which is more abrasive. They’ll fade far more with wear than with washing. @swiss-jeansfreak never washes his and I’ve never seen a more faded pair of jeans here or anywhere else.
Many washes causes quite a lot of indigo loss with more sky faded jeans and with less prominent contrasts on whiskers and honey combs.
Sun bleach can also make your jeans look brighter.The main reason to wash a jeans inside out is to prevent unwanted random creases created through some foldings during the washing process.
You can expect a bit less contrast whiskers and honey combs if worn never washed over a very long time since dirt and grim will cover the denim fabric a bit But it will pop up much stronger after the first wash then.
I just wear my raw denim gear dry since my stuff seens to have a water allergy ha ha
I think machine washing jeans changes their material composition slightly too. Like the texture completely changes. I can't tell if it is from the oils in the denim from your skin or if it does something to the fibers but machine washed jeans feel drier to me. They seem to stay softer and silkier if you only hand wash. I'm too 'filthy' to not ever wash my jeans. Ive tried like 20 different pairs and I definitely don't have the will power to go that far. I think the most I've ever gone is a year with my 2017 pair of UHR. They are still unwashed and only soaked but they also still stink to high heaven. Still, like I haven't worn them for several years…
My jeans have actually never smelled bad even after wearing for months straight. I always have to wash them because I spill food on them or they get pissed or barfed on.
That leads me to another random question.
What about denim makes it not stink like other fabrics? For instance, if I wore a pair of sweats for 2 months straight it would smell horrible.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What about denim makes it not stink like other fabrics? For instance, if I wore a pair of sweats for 2 months straight it would smell horrible.
Speaking as someone who generally has to wash his jeans due to odours after 5-8 weeks, I suspect the twill weave plays a role. Otherwise the relatively unfucked about with cotton, and possibly the dyeing with indigo may help. This is speculation on my part though.
Surely something to do with one or more of the following, probably in combination:
With all bottoms, your nether-regions, likely to be the sweatiest parts of your bottom half, don't come into direct contact with the jeans thanks to underwear - compare to T-shirts, for instance
You probably aren't doing vigorous activity in jeans (especially stiffer jeans) compared to, say, sweat pants
Sweat pants are more likely to feature synthetic fibres these days, which repel sweat and trap it within the garment (vs cotton which will absorb it, moving the moisture further from the body, where it can evaporate and dry more quickly, preventing a breeding ground for bacteria from forming)
Few questions on the use of Paypal to sell things.
1. If I don't have my bank account link to PayPal, PayPal will keep the $$ in its account linked to me?
2. If and when I subsequently link my bank account to PayPal, I can move the $$ into my bank account? Is it a cumbersome process? -
I had one when i signed up but it has since been closed. Not sure if I am now in violation with PayPal rules
only my credit card is linked to buy things.
I was kind of thinking that the stink compounds can’t adhere as well to the cotton threads because they are so tightly woven in denim.
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