Random questions to which you seek an answer
I’d be lying if my said I’ve never considered this ploy, but sadly the loss is for real and I’m actually upset. However, I’m lot one to look a gift horse in the mouth so I’m thinking a baby ramen, skull crusher, 31 (very wedding bandy), desert sessions spacer ring, or a 25. My absolute fave is the Steal Your Rosette but I wanted that in my right middle finger. Thoughts?
That's cool, I once wanted to change my band and got the raised eyebrow…although about 3 years ago, we redid our bands and she was completely cool with it.
I was working on the farm and took my band off when working around the tractors. Put it somewhere that I wouldn't lose it and it was gone for about 5 months. It sucked...jumped in the farm truck one day to drive to the back of one of the fields and found my ring in the ashtray of the truck...I had put it in there the last time I drove the truck to pick up the tractor that I was driving that day.
I’m sure I had it at the barbershop yesterday. I fidget with it constantly so I’m pretty sure it wasn’t gone much longer before I noticed. It was cold yesterday so it could have slipped off easily. It’s happened before just not without my noticing.
The desert sessions pattern is one I particularly like. I’m thinking I’d like bigger though. The 31 is similar to the one I lost but I also think this is an opportunity to bling out so the baby ramen and the 25 are really speaking to me.
I vote baby ramen if you go big. Gotta say, I have a 25, and I do love the way it looks, but the little holes collect all kinds of gross schmutz and it needs cleaning a lot. Also have to take it off to wash your hands for the same reason. Not ideal for a wear all the time piece.
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The desert sessions pattern is one I particularly like. I’m thinking I’d like bigger though. The 31 is similar to the one I lost but I also think this is an opportunity to bling out so the baby ramen and the 25 are really speaking to me.
My wife and I both have the 25 rings for our wedding bands. I have the big one and hers is the smaller one. We love them a ton but the one thing that I did not realise prior was that with lots of holes in the ring designs, they tend to catch products like sun screen and bar soap. If we remember to take them off before using its no biggie but it can be annoying to have to clean them if we forget. With that said they look absolutely beautiful when clean. Easy GAH ring will be fantastic. Maybe she would want a new one too?
I like the GAH idea for a wedding band. Does anyone know if there is room to have names/initials and the wedding date engraved on the inside of the band?
@sabergirl said the same but that’s the one I like the most. Can you post a pic of you guys wearing yours? I don’t have really big hands but I’m still unsure of which one would look best on me.
@sabergirl said the same but that’s the one I like the most. Can you post a pic of you guys wearing yours? I don’t have really big hands but I’m still unsure of which one would look best on me.
Here are some quick ones from just now. My hands aren't huge for my overall size. I think the ring would be pretty versatile though.