IHV-35-IND - Whipcord N1 Vest - Indigo
This vest is gorgeous! Has anyone purchased this? and got some pics to post?
Why it took me so long to grab this beautiful vest is anyone’s guess [emoji2369] But I’m glad it waited for me [emoji120][emoji4]
The white N-1, an M65 or a new shirt? Very tricky decision.
Difficult decision indeed… Good news is that they’re all right and good decisions [emoji4]
My short list for the fall includes the white windbreaker, green serge shirt, purple tartan check UHF, or the black windowpane UHF… we shall see which one wins [emoji2369]
I also purchased this vest recently. I figured I better throw my pics in. @Alex_24 Great minds think alike, right?!Also, don’t judge my fire pit. We moved in less than a week ago. It’s a placeholder. I swear.
Such a sick piece. One of the best vests I’ve ever laid eyes on
Great minds think alike, right?!…
Also, don’t judge my fire pit...Looks great, dude! [emoji106] …the vest and the fire pit [emoji91]
Such a sick piece. One of the best vests I’ve ever laid eyes on
Yup, agreed [emoji106] It’s a beautiful piece, dude!
Ohshittttttttttt I gotta get that hoodie now. No shame. I’mma copy this fit.
Looks smart @FairlyVague !
Nailed it with that vest @Alex_24 nice cop
Ohshittttttttttt I gotta get that hoodie now. No shame. I’mma copy this fit.
Do it! It’s a fantastic hoodie. Also, hiding under the vest in the photo are GAH toggles, which match this grey very well [emoji41]
Anyone have any updated evo pics? Thanks!
After the bittersweet sale of my xhs vest, I have this incoming as a replacement.
Pics to follow. The crew has been slammed with the Holiday and a massive amount of orders but it should arrive soon