Coronavirus (Covid-19) Discussion
My dad is just getting over it after 6 weeks and he is 84 twin..prayers coming your dads way.
Lots of manly love from me too @twin
all the best to you dad & fam @twin
Thanking about you and your Dad @Twin
Hoping and praying for a fast recover.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank you all for caring about us.
@Streetwise Hercules
@Anesthetist -
I have an appointment to get my first shot this Friday at Six Flags. Second one will be March 5. I am an art teacher at a middle school in MD. Our school district have been cunts about helping us and have decided to push us into in person teaching despite the metrics they told us they would follow. Students come back February 16th unless our superintendent decides otherwise, witch I sincerely doubt.
why do people say that the PCR tests were bad? I had no issues whatsoever. Did both the throat and nose swabs, even enjoyed the nose ones quite a bit..
why do people say that the PCR tests were bad? I had no issues whatsoever.
At the risk of generalising and being harsh, I think it is because a lot of people seem to have a low tolerance for discomfort and confuse it with pain.
I’ve noticed a word of mouth effect too where people tell other people it was bad, and then they go expecting the worst. Makes them tense and negatively disposed to the experience.
I’ve been tested a number of times now, and neither tests are painful. I experienced a brief discomfort and the nasal one, while weird, is as you say almost fun. Either way it is over super quick and unproblematic.
why do people say that the PCR tests were bad? I had no issues whatsoever.
I think it is because a lot of people seem to have a low tolerance for discomfort and confuse it with pain.
I’ve noticed a word of mouth effect too where people tell other people it was bad.
^^ this. this test I took upon arrival in Singapore was my first and only test I've ever done. Before this, I've only heard about it from mates and stuff who've taken it back in Australia or videos from the internet which made it seem worse than what it is. But I still went in with an open mind and with excitement to take a video of me doing it haha.
All of the tests I had recently let me do the swab myself. The one I had in Puerto Rico she went way up in there and it made me sneeze like crazy.