IHSW-48-BLK - 14 oz Ultra Heavyweight Sweat Cardigan – Black
@Jett129 - how are you liking it dude? I absolutely adore the vest, and have bee meaning to snag the black or indigo version of the cardi.
I wish I could try one on. I think it would look great underneath my OD Vest.
I had similar thoughts…
. Probably the first time anyone has ever worn a denim/Type III Vest over a Cardigan. I’m so happy I finally got this.
Kerboom. Congrats, it looks great. Hope to pick one up some day.
@Matt - I wear the vest version of this alot with my 502s… I think the Cardi deserves to be layered on your arms good sir...
@Matt - Ive been following big man. As an owner of multiple Go-Ruck Hats, I am a firm believer in the velcro patches as well. Could even sew some velcro on this cardigan and rep new IH patches everyday as well
Would this look good comically oversized? I feel like chunky cardigans can be so good when they’re too big, but I’m not sure if this might be weird.
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I’d imagine it would be perfect like that.
I think so too
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All right, then. We’ll find out.
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That’s the spirit!
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