The Outlet & Project RE:LOVE Drops
This is a great idea. I like selling on the forum but this takes all the work out of posting and managing and writing up something. Plus you actually get a good amount of scratch for the item if it’s accepted and someone else will get to enjoy it also. I submitted an item so I’ll see how it goes. Very cool idea. No one does this and it’s good on the crew at IH to do all this extra work. You are basically adding more work for yourselves with not a whole lot of profit in the end.
Very good idea. I'm now starting to think that RE:Loved pieces might sell for more than the new ones. It could definitely be possible!
Well, for the APC Butler Program (since 2008, new pair 50% off) and also the Onomichi Denim Project (done since 2013, started with Resolute Jeans but they added their own jeans now. If your worn jeans sell, you get 70% of the sale price), the worn jeans are in fact sold for more than the original jeans
Very cool idea. No one does this and it’s good on the crew at IH to do all this extra work. You are basically adding more work for yourselves with not a whole lot of profit in the end.
See above
Great idea. The amount of water that goes into cotton production is often discussed in the media…
Looking forward to this
This is SO sick. If only anything were in my size
Honestly you're saving me money so no real complaints here
I'm excited to see this pick up steam and get more submissions.
I can’t find the Re:love page by starting at the homepage. The information and submission form pops up if I click it from the homepage, but the only way I can find the items is linked from this thread. I’m using my iPhone, if that helps.
Surely I’m just missing something?
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I can’t find the Re:love page by starting at the homepage. The information and submission form pops up if I click it from the homepage, but the only way I can find the items is linked from this thread. I’m using my iPhone, if that helps.
Surely I’m just missing something?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Same issue for me.
Looks like there are two links that aren’t displaying properly in Safari for iOS