Iron Heart WAYWT - 2021 Edition
Tenue de Nimes
Levis Demi Curve
Red Wing engineer boots -
Hi guys, just something that I've contemplated over the years on the forum, years of viewing Men putting clothes combos together, (that does sound a little wrong
but I think you get my drift,) it's been really interesting and somewhat unique being one of only a few women on a male dominated clothes forum.
Its something that's been highlighted by the recent WAYWT LEAGUE CHALLENGE OCTOBER 2021 and to me is kind of fascinating is the reluctance, resistance to wear white denim and if white denim is worn it's often demeaned with, " I'm not sure this really works," or " Feel its the wrong time of year, not warm enough." etc etc.
Its like your kryptonite, maybe you'll suddenly turn into George Michael or become totally emasculated or never be able to wear a UHF EVER, EVER again.
I suppose I'm especially interested as I feel my femininity is often challenged by me wearing Iron Heart, being more interested in this forum, than other female orientated ones. I often wear Men's boots and clothes..Oh and yes I've got short hair.
I'm going to stop this waffle now and if you have bothered to get the end of this. I want to say, wear White denim, wear Colour, be brave keep mixing it up and I also think you all look fecking great.edit; denim added after white; white denim
Well said Jules
@Black Orchid Much Love!!! Very well said…
@hajduk I never really liked the beach wool stuff until I saw you wearing it today. You changed my mind on it…It looks really good on you!
WAYWT League
@hajduk desperately jealous of the beach jacket, what a stunner. One that needs to be brought back for sure (FW22?)
WAYWT League. UHF and xhsib.
A look normally the sole preserve of @Megatron1505
WAYWT League
Hearty thanks to @neph93 for coming up with this and making it damn near impossible to not participate in the fun!
Everyone is looking great! @jerkules You and I are like minded (wish I had that tie dye t) and I had a strong suspicion there might be a little purple in today’s challenge
Also, I fully expect my entry to be disqualified for the “clog” sighting and I’m ok with that
Happy Monday people!
IHSH-309 -
Great work everyone!
@SKT fixed it