Iron Heart UK Initiatives
Sadly, we have no control over what happens to packages after they are picked up from us. At the end of the day, everyone can only do their part to make a change, we are trying our best and appreciate you doing yours too, Scott.
Make no mistake, Alex, I have absolutely zero frustration with anyone on your end. UPS is 100% responsible for that. I was simply venting, and considering how well UPS has been prior, I probably should've let it go, this time. Hopefully it's an outlier. It wound up ping-ponging between Hong Kong and Taiwan, twice, before moving on to Alaska, and then to Kentucky, where it should've gone in the first place. Amazingly, it only wound up one day late, with roughly 20,000 extra miles travelled. ::)
You're not alone scooter. My order did almost the same thing over the weekend minus the double bounce between Taiwan and China. All to get it to Pennsylvania. This shirt has seen more of the world than I have!
Very happy to announce that we are now officially carbon neutral. Will be posting more detail on the amount of carbon offset and what the credits have been used towards in due course.
The certificate is in the name of Island to Island Group, to those not familiar this is the company structure involving Iron Heart.
Truly a worthwhile achievement Stubborn Crew…
One more fact to add to my list of reasons why IH is my # 1 clothing brand (by a mile)!
This is super interesting @Alex can you explain how a business that involves so much in the way of international logistics can be carbon neutral? Always so great to see how realistic and doable it is to go green.
The company goes through a fairly stringent 'weighing' process to identify how much carbon is used in each area of the business, then obviously you take steps to minimise what you can. As you say, for us, shipping internationally is something that we cannot cut out of the business so we look to use more carbon-friendly routes/couriers and anything that cannot be prevented you pay to offset the usage. We then reasses on an annual basis and need to show evidence of minimising our usage where possible without offsets, but a portion will continue to be offset on an ongoing basis.
Pleased to report that my new 888’s from IHUK were just delivered by cargo bike - DPD seem to have a “last mile” partnership with our local pedal powered delivery company.
@Brian I don't think that this route is in the hands of IH.
Cologne is the main european hub for UPS, as the airport does not have a ban on night flights. UPS has a couple of main routes going in and out, and I'm sure they have optimized them best they can.
There is a small time window on sunday afternoon when a three UPS 747 arrive, one after another. The kids alsways had fun watching that.