IH-555-XHSib - 25oz Selvedge Denim Super Slim Jeans - Indigo/Black
Edit: I have 888-21oz and find them very wearable here. I'm curious if the 25oz feels substantially "nicer" or what they extra weight translates to, from an daily life/owner perspective.
Apologies for a late reply.
The 21oz and 25oz simply different denims with different weaves/dyeing processes. “Nicer” is subjective.
I love them both for their varying individual qualities. As well as the differences you mention, fading is especially different, the 25oz fading quicker and with much greater contrast. The break in is wildly different. More so than the extra weight would imply, with the 25oz being quite heavy and stiff and generally more restrictive than the 21oz, at least at the beginning. Over time and with wear they go through an enormous transition to heavy but very soft. The 25oz is more of a journey.
As for SoCal temps, again what is wearable is subjective. Some folks wear UHR, IH’s warmest denim in 90F. I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t wear 25oz at the height of my summer, however I live in Northern Europe and we have defined seasons, so I have a good reason to own varying weights. 25oz is a three season denim, 21oz a four season denim. Objectively, you will notice they are much warmer on the legs than 21oz.
Feels great to break these out again after a long summer.
[mention]Lowlander [/mention] fade madness!! [emoji15][emoji15]
“A cada época la salva un puñado de hombres que tienen el coraje de ser inactuales” G.K. Chesterton.
@Lowlander I hope to catch up with your fades on my 666 XHSiB. Those are insane. Did you change your boots? I remember you always rocking your Iron Rangers. Great to see you again!
@Oaktavia @spaniarddh @the246guy
I've been here, 246guy, but it's true I've been lurking more than posting!
How are your 666-XHSib coming along?
Yes, I did get a new pair of boots! Well spotted. My custum built Wesco Jobmasters arrived in August. I'm very happy with them, but I still wear my Iron Rangers too.
Here are the Wescos:
@Lowlander That is a lot of leather on those boots. Looks well made. I have been juggling my XHSiB with the UHR. Actually my XHSiB was my competition pair and I guess I'm way way behind it as the UHR came along and I could not take them off for the XHSiB. I will soon post some pictures of it.
Those xhsib look amazing!
That’s a really good question,and I happen to own all three. While they all initially feel a little different, they will all eventually soften up and be really comfortable. While their all 25OZ I would have to say that the Indigo/Black feel heaviest,then the XHS and then the BB25OZ. They all feel thick,and I can’t honestly say one feels thicker than the others. My observations about the weight are really minimal,and probably splitting hairs.I’m sure if you asked 10 different people you’d get 10 different answers.
I have a pair of the OG 777XHS and a pair of the Pronto XHS and the Prontos definitely feel slightly lighter,and I’m not the only one that said that at the time they came out. If you took 10 barrels of bourbon from the same spot in the same warehouse they would all have slightly different taste characteristics. I think it would be foolish not to expect some,slight,differences in the production of the denim. I have 5 different pairs of 25OZ denim and they’re all different, but all definitely feel heavier than any 21OZ denim I have.
The denim used in all variants of XHS is exactly the same weight, the same warp and weft yarns are used in all types. Dying the yarn changes its characteristics and makes it considerably crunchier/stiff than the undyed yarn. Thus a denim woven with both yarns being dyed will feel, crunchier and stiffer than a denim with an undyed weft….
@Giles - Great information there. Ive always felt that XHSib is stiffer & harder to break in than standard XHS. I'm still very hopeful we will see Double Indigo XHS someday. XHSii is my grail denim
@Oaktavia @spaniarddh @the246guy
I've been here, 246guy, but it's true I've been lurking more than posting!
How are your 666-XHSib coming along?
Yes, I did get a new pair of boots! Well spotted. My custum built Wesco Jobmasters arrived in August. I'm very happy with them, but I still wear my Iron Rangers too.
Here are the Wescos:
the cuff fades look so nice!
Great looking boots @Lowlander. Love the "lace to toe" look. I have a pair coming from Indonesia I'm hoping they look half this good!
The Denim is great too, looking forward to getting some wear on mine now the temperature has dropped a good bit here.
Hey all, looking for some insight:
These are my 555XHSib after a couple years. They're great. In fact, I have a couple 555, and a pair of PIH5DCT.
So, I like the fit of all these. But for my next pair, I'm looking for a little more mobility in the thighs - can anyone share any insight?
I also have some 634 work pants that are nice and roomy (but a little too much so).
@thincrustpizza somehow I didn't realize that when i/b forms holes, the black frays will show instead of a typical white. That's pretty awesome.