Changes to The Marketplace
Nice! Read only help addict like me.
Thank you IH people
Sounds like a rap battle bout to drop!! Yo momma so faaat………!!
Am I am the ultimate
Never mind anything else
How about 20 posts AND 1 month as a member. Maybe that would cut down on the necroposting [emoji6].
I rarely use the buy and sell boards so what goes on there doesn’t really affect me. But the spamming and necroposting in other threads does.
How about 20 posts AND 1 month as a member. Maybe that would cut down on the necroposting [emoji6].
I rarely use the buy and sell boards so what goes on there doesn’t really affect me. But the spamming and necroposting in other threads does.
Not an option with the current software sadly. And I agree that the necro-posting is an unfortunate side effect of the policy. On balance it is the lesser of the evils.
I have been reluctant to post this as I don't want it to come off as a complaint. It is an observation and wonder if others are noticing a similar experience.
First, I fully accept that the items I have on my sales thread may not be of interest to prospective buyers, may be priced wrong, or any other number of reasons. That said, in the past I have been able to sell items fairly quickly. Since the changes to the market place were implemented, I have received zero inquiry on some items that I recently put up for sale. I have also noticed bumping seems to be more frequent by other sellers which suggests to me their items for sale are sitting idle too.
Again, not a complaint, agree that some type of change was necessary, and I don't have a better solution to propose. Just curious if others have observed what I have noticed?
I have been reluctant to post this as I don't want it to come off as a complaint. It is an observation and wonder if others are noticing a similar experience.
Perfectly reasonable observation and an interesting one too.
I agree with Matt that December will be slow anyway due to folks having other priorities. But it would be naive to think that locking out a portion of members who only visit the forum to use the Marketplace will not have at least some effect on sales.
As for the bumping, it has been noticed and excessive bumping will be followed up more closely.
@Bums_Fan Question for you and all of the frequent users of the buy/sell area. Where else do you list your items for sale? Are there other areas/platforms better for buying and selling than here? Why do you list items here if you don’t list them other places? Do you list items other places that you don’t list here?
These are general questions so I understand the market and options better.
@goosehd Good question. I have only used Ebay for selling non IH items. All my IH items I have put up for sale have exclusively been on this platform. I have also bought a number of IH items from members here. My rationale is that people here understand the brand and therefore easier to move items along. Honestly, the fees on the other platforms don't bother me. What does annoy me about the other platforms is the types of questions you get from prospective buyers there. It is just a different experience and the ease of selling and buying here is to my liking.
What does annoy me about the other platforms is the types of questions you get from prospective buyers there. It is just a different experience and the ease of selling and buying here is to my liking.
Ironically that is one thing that may be preserved as a positive benefit of the current measures. A theoretical forum member who uses the forum solely for buying would also have to be knee deep in forum lore and wisdom to be the more knowledgeable type of customer. I’m sure they exist, and I hope they don’t disappear. But the more casual buyers may be put off and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
In further response to your initial point, and as an addendum to what I wrote to DrPat, it will take time form the knowledgeable buyer who doesn’t post to reach the threshold for access to the Marketplace. This is why necro-posting is the lesser of the evils, and another reason why this slow patch will pass.