IHSH-203 - Ultra Heavy Small Block Check Western in Red and Green
I definitely love that picture. I hope I am able to nab that shirt next week.
@kiya is Self Edge getting theese too?
Thanks Alex. This is going to be one of those shirts that I will be devastated If I miss out on. It's just too gorgeous.
From Supplies Blog Japan: https://blog.goo.ne.jp/hd-lifestyling-fashion/e/754c559cbea0b4789bc05d165c6688cb
That green is stunning
I do love them but I own enough (five: 2xwork, 2xwestern, 1xCPO). Buying all the UHF’s because they are so pretty takes funds away from other stuff. There are so many other shirts that are great (as a matter of taste, if I was forced to choose between wabash and UHF I’d choose wabash). And then there are vests. All the vests.
So I’m one in, one out on UHF’s this year and seeing as I’m being lazy about sales threads, that isn’t even happening [emoji1]
I do love them but I own enough
That’s crazy talk [emoji16]
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I do love them but I own enough (five: 2xwork, 2xwestern, 1xCPO). Buying all the UHF’s because they are so pretty takes funds away from other stuff. There are so many other shirts that are great (as a matter of taste, if I was forced to choose between wabash and UHF I’d choose wabash). And then there are vests. All the vests.
So I’m one in, one out on UHF’s this year and seeing as I’m being lazy about sales threads, that isn’t even happening [emoji1]
I definitely understand. I've been clearing some of my UHF's out for that reason plus I want to replace some westerns with work shirt versions. Took me this long to relaize I really like the work shirt UHF's.
Thanks a lot Kiya!