The Zeus is the most easy to use tank and is truly leak proof. I own both the double and single. But you get a more satisfying vapor out of the single. Plus the battery life is slightly better. I have a few extra ones I can send you of you would like to try it out. I can send it for free.
Nah, I'm about to place an order with Eightvape Need to restock juice before the next furlough
Thanks a ton though, that's very kind of you
I don't do much with juices, I find a flavor I like and I vape the ever loving shit out of it. I think I went through two liters of Skwezed Mango. Switching to Skwezed Lychee for a bit. Got a case of vapers tongue.
Been thinking about doing DIY juices, but haven't gone there yet.
Have you tried the Steamcrave Aromamizer line? The build quality is pretty phenomenal, and it's also pretty hard to make leak because of the juice flow system. I have both the postless deck and the single coil deck. Side airflow but I've jumpstarted my coil in the morning by dripping into it and I've never been able to make it leak.
You can set it up for dripper, 5ml and 8ml configurations, but I've found with Steamcrave if you use their super tall setups you get a reduction in flavor and warmth.
Have you tried your Kennedy dripper on a regulated mod? What's it ohming out at? about 0.6?
No I have not tried the steamcrave line.
I make my own juice, and I prefer tobacco flavors. My favorite premade juice is Lunar Rover GLD. But it seems like they changed it somewhat and now it is sweeter.
I build the Kennedy on my Aegis and I think the Kanthal build I did last night was .14. I would have to double check that though. The quad core fused Clapton build in the OT is a .06 and it crackles like a crack pipe.
I have had a .01 build before.
Actually both builds are about a .14 even the kanthal build from last night.
I only vape when I smoke weed. The company I use it called Dossit. It's alright. Can that be used for things other than nicotine? Also, I live in California so this is all perfectly legal for me. So don't call the cops.
I thought it was mandatory in CA?
IDK… 3 mm, 7 wraps (14 wraps) x2 so 28 total wraps for both coils, 26ga Kanthal, 3500 MHA 20700 battery.
Yeah wrapped in parallel means 2 strands side by side. This essentially doubles the Resistance and surface area.
For example check out quad parallel. Worth a watch even though this guy grates on my nerves.
Edit: I might have doubles the Resistance wrong. Cuts in half. But 2 strands is like a double barrel shotgun. You can only pull one trigger (single strand) or pull both triggers (parallel strands).
Or you can go full-blown Phantasm 2 and do 4 strands.
I still haven't dialed it in yet. Part of the problem os that everything that performs great draws too many amps… But I did get some more kickass batteries that have a 45 amp pulse and continuous 35 amp drain that I can flirt with the .15-.2 ohm range safety. But 2 of these coils would put me at over a 40 amp drain. So single coil for now.
I have been eyeing some staggered framed staple coils that might work. But before I blow $20 on a pair of coils I want to try some thinner gauge ni80 in parallel, due to be delivered today. I also ordered a set of different posts with smaller terminals to facilitate easier building with thinner wire. Because the wide slot on those posts is too hard to line up properly without causing a short.
@neph93 if instead of electric current we were talking about water, and instead of wire we were talking about a hose… image how a thinner hose lets a smaller amount of water through at one time and a thicker one more... then imagine water going through one of those curly drinking straws (a coil) the more winds on your drinking straw makes if more difficult for the water to flow... this is what makes the heat in these coils. Just like an electric stove basically.
But, my water pump (these batteries) can only safely pump so much water at a time (or they vent and explode)... so you need to use a hose that is both thin enough and has a path of lesser resistance than the what the water pump is rated for. And you want to align as many of these little curly straws as you can to pump as much water as you can. (Those twisty coils you see pictured above).
-So less resistance makes more heat faster. Anything under 1.0 ohm is referred to as 'sub-ohm' vaping. And the lower the resistance the more vapor is generated. But batteries have operating parameters for draining the voltage (or they explode).
-Larger diameter of coil in both wire thickness and coil wraps count, and internal diameter makes more resistance, less heat.
-different metals have different material properties and varying resistance.
So basically you want to generate a massive amount of heat in the shortest amount of time, to generate the largest possible amount of vapor. But you don't want to blow your face off doing it.
I can explain things in even further detail, because there is soooooo much more nuance to it and I am glossing over a lot.