IHSI-16 - Iron Heart Sterling Silver Button Ring
Whoever created the English ring size system must've been really, really drunk. That make no sense whatsoever, and that's coming from an American.
Whose hand is that in the pic, with the Dog Eat Dog 'no fronts' tat?
@Graham I knew Jon a bit back in the 90s. There was a tv show in the 90s called 'the word's. Dog Eat Dog played that show and we went along. There's a video on YouTube, and you can see me diving into the crowd. Those were the days. Great fun.
I'll let you know the outcome with the 220.
@Stuart.T I remember that very much. The first time I saw and met DED was 1996 at the Astoria with Sugar Ray which was probs (2?) years after they were on the Word. I have an awesome story about that show that I will tell you somewhere as to not clog up this thread with totally un-related ring business.
Can’t wait to receive mine next week!