Getting Old
I will NEVER dye my hair, no matter how gray I get. And speaking of hair, more and more grows in places it should not, and very long and strange coils are wont to appear out of odd places from time to time, but at least I can grow a fuller beard now.
Re: argument, the years have taught me that you can't argue with people who don't understand logic and/or too weak to admit to themselves and others when they are wrong and need to amend their position. Things like denial and rationalization in the face of cognitive dissonance are unassailable no matter what reasoning and facts you might bring to bear. If you don't understand or don't care about logical consistency, you are immune to logical argument. And the less one knows, the more one thinks one knows, apparently.
I could summarize my position thusly: "if you're such an undisciplined thinker that you think (e.g.) the earth is flat, there's nothing I can say to you that will change your 'mind,' and there's nothing you can say to me that will be worth my time." I'm not proud of how many years it took me to get to this position, or how hard it remains to "let it go" when stupidity rears its ugly head.
Flip side of the wisdom of disengagement from fools: I hate when debate is "not worth it" because it's a cornerstone of democratic society to have healthy debate.
Get off my lawn.
I will NEVER dye my hair, no matter how gray I get. And speaking of hair, more and more grows in places it should not, and very long and strange coils are wont to appear out of odd places from time to time, but at least I can grow a fuller beard now.
I haven't quite reached the point where i'm seeing rogue hairs setting up shop in places they shouldn't be. No back hair or ear hair yet. The back of my neck gets the occasional sprout though….i'm talking weird curlies that spring up away from the herd
I haven't quite reached the point where i'm seeing rogue hairs setting up shop in places they shouldn't be. No back hair or ear hair yet. The back of my neck gets the occasional sprout though….i'm talking weird curlies that spring up away from the herd
I'm not going to go into details but my ahem unique hair pattern on my head started to develop when I was 20 years old. I started shaving it before I turned 21. That and my penchant for a bit of face fuzz means I've gone through a few electric clippers in my time. I bought a new one in the spring and it was the first time I picked one based on the availability of a nose hair attachment ::)
Ah yes. I have a beard trimmer with the nose-hair attachment. That's the one area I forgot about – my nostrils are a thicket of coarse black and white sprouts
Piggybacking of @goosehd
I'm a lot more practical these days. Humping around a lot of heavy shit in my 20's and 30's would result in aches and pains.
Humping around a lot of heavy shit in my 40's means pains and bedrest.
Also: I used to be the guy that said "natural materials is best."
Not so much anymore. The front of my house sees a lot of sun, heat and humidity. I finally got tired of changing out the wooden trim in front of the house because of rot and redid the entire front bump in PVC trim.
I'm fast approaching the unibrow look. zero fucks given
White pubes. Nobody knows but me…. and all of you now.
Yeah I know
I hated being young. I do miss being able to take drugs and party all night without having a care in the world the day after tho. Responsibilities and age. Life. Would I change anything if I could? No. Would I do it again if I was young? No.
If you ask people what age they’d like to be again if they could, no one ever says 16-18.
That's definitely a tough one. I'm not that old so I don't have many years to choose from but there are positives and negatives to all. When you're a kid you aren't in real life which has it's benefits and downfalls. 20's you have your youth, independence, but most likely are limited financially, and lack some life experience/wisdom. 30's (so far) you still have some youth, are independent, stronger financially which opens doors, have gained some wisdom, but also don't have the youth of your 20's, and most likely have a fuller life plate with many more responsibilities (which can be good and bad). For those older I'm sure they can enlighten me on the next few decades to come.
It's all downhill after 21, @BloodnThunder
And for all those guys who are enthralled by their own wonderfulness and insist the kindly old snowtop precede them through the door-you can fuck right off. If I needed any shit from you I'd squeeze your head.
At 66 I just might be the oldest one hanging around on The Forum. So I'm not getting old,lets face it I am old,at least chronologically. I work out as hard as I can as often as I can,and people tell me they can't believe my age,to which I reply "Just trying to stay ahead of the curve" I'm with Giles in that I don't give a fuck as to what people think about me. I still ride a motorcycle and can still play drums albeit both a little slower. Like a lot of you I love to drink good beer and other spirits,but am no longer willing to pay the price of excessive consumption. A friend said to me if you ever wake up and nothing hurts,you're probably dead.
I'm growing irritable in my declining years.
Getting old just means you can afford the hottest concert tickets in town
At 55, I have an ever increasing intolerance to disconnected conversation between friends/family. Drives me nuts when people don’t address in their response the points raised inmediately before…or worse, completely change subjects and ignore your recent comments. This happens even when the topic being discussed was brought up by them.
Not sure whether conversations were ALWAYS like that and I just didn’t notice it due to youth. Sometimes I tend to think it may be influenced by attention deficit in pur modern multitasking lives.
thought this was the jokes thread
love it