@sabergirl I think that I can see past this indeed pretty one sided view in the movie. What struck me most is the fact that the city seems to have such a big housing and drug problem nowadays so that tent cities are appearing in the middle of the town - I was not aware of the fact that it has gotten out of hand that bad.
What I always was aware of was a pretty large wealth divide within the city, but I personally feel more comfortable in the more diverse areas, in any city. Probably because my punk rock days are far from over…
Whether the solution to this problem is to be tougher on crime, I‘m in no position to judge. I tried to catch up by reading a few online newspapers from Vancouver. They are transporting a much more differentiated picture and point out that these people have indeed nowhere to go. What I‘m pretty confident about is that police oppression and brutality is never and adequate solution to any problem. -
I would agree with that, for sure! All of our major cities are struggling with unhoused populations like this. San Francisco, where I used to live, has some areas that are overwhelmed by tents, and the cops will sweep through to try to clear everyone out and destroy everything only to have the poor people turn up again because they have nowhere to go. It’s incredibly sad how in some of the richest places in the world we can’t figure out how to help people effectively, or don’t care enough to do so.
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I will also say that I haven’t watched the doc that Jeff posted, yet. So I may be way off base on my assumption that it’s some sort of propaganda. Any light that can be shown on the desperate plights of addiction and houselessness is better than ignoring these major problems. I guess it’s the thesis that the city is dying in the title that put me off.
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The Menu was absolutely brilliant dark comedy horror thriller satire. Enjoyed every minute of it.
Anyone who’s a foodie and likes to laugh and themselves would enjoy.
Everything Everywhere All At Once was great. Second that recommendation.
This just hit U.K. Netflix this weekend. Mrs H and I just watched it. One of the highest recommendations I can give for a straight action movie in the Taken and Equalizer “older-dude-with-a-very-particular-set-of-skills-comes-out-of-retirement-to-fuck-up-some-bad-dudes” sub-genre.
But imagine those movies with the violence turned up to 11. And then add a bit more blood. Bob Odinkirk kicks some serious ass.
Edit: changed the trailer to one which spoils fewer of the fight scenes.
@Matt I think it snuck out during the pandemic, direct to whichever is Universal’s preferred streaming service. I get the feeling if theatres had been open it’d be a word of mouth hit.
I went to watch Oppenheimer on IMAX yesterday…great movie. Very intense ending. Cillian Murphy was superb in the main role, but for me Robert Downey Jr and Emily Blunt were even better. I can only recommend it and go watch on as big screen as possible.
I'm not Matt but Barbie was very good. Richard Brody's New Yorker Review says it better than I can but it is basically a great exploration of the limited political power of imagination boxed into an expertly directed cleverly paced piece of physical theatre. Gerwig smashed it again. Looking forward to seeing Oppenheimer in the next few days.