@T4920 aaaaargghh… that jacket!! My eyes…
@denim-dawg The Lefty? It's just getting started!
@T4920 yes- the lefty. This is the way…. May the Lord open haha - it looks awesome!! Enjoy!! And your type II really does look catchy.
@jischwar Thanks. There's a fuller explanation somewhere on the forum but the basic idea is a normal wash with a little bit of diluted bleach added. It was a fun experiment.
@Autorotate Epic score on that Y2xTSV chore shirt! I picked it up in brown. Made my entire room smell of supple leather, and I ain't complaining
@Paul9221 sharp! And that jacket is amazing
@Paul9221 Thank you sir! I'm having issues getting wears in with the IHV-24 but I need to get on with it. I love it but it's made oversized and it fits loose around the midsection providing less of a clean look.
That jacket and white tee is an amazing outfit. and the 888XHS are coming along spectacularly.
Speckle-tacular @Matt. Glad to see Adam313 is still upright
@Matt shirt looks awesome, dude!
@Nik Okay, cool. May give it a shot with a pair I have.
@neph93 great look great photo!