@Oaktavia btw, hope you caught that sucker before he bit ya! I did a lot of research on both chiggers and ticks back in the day when i used to be a land surveyor - they're generally pretty harmless but are hella sneaky!
@WhiskeySandwich I love spiders hahaha they are "my friends" but I don't like them in my house as I have two dogs. Man I wish I had frogs and toads around my house. The little kid in my is green with envy
@Oaktavia LOL yeah, I don't like them in the house, but outside I usually just let them be. The ones I mentioned are cool to look at, and they generally help with the crazy amount of winged menaces like mosquitoes and whatnot. They all have their place and I don't like to disturb anything I don't need to - to avoid disrupting the balance. We name all of the regulars lol. Frogs, snakes, spiders, etc, even the blue tailed skinks we have around.
@WhiskeySandwich That's rad man, sounds like we have a lot in common, nature and denim-wise. I have only seen one blue tailed skink and it was at my Nana's in Prince Frederick.
@Oaktavia hell yeah brother! I'm about 5 minutes ride from there, and I live in the sticks, so we have loads of em. All kinds of wildlife coming through our place, we just enjoy spotting them.
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot walking sticks are so cool
First time seeing one, awesome little dude
In the field yesterday ran across this mid-sized tarantula. They are never small, this one was about 10 cm diameter. Been a long time since I last saw one. She was out hunting as the sun fizzled out and things began to cool down. Only detedted us when we were 3 mts away and froze in this position.
trying to blend in