That's Jokes
@endo I didn’t get this until I googled the work of Mark Rothko. Very good.
@T4920 totally felt seen. At least I ditched my civil war general beard now
@sabergirl I was really looking forward to this one as it’s produced/directed by Natasha Lyone,but I just couldn’t get through it. The fact that she doesn’t stand still and she tells you ,that’s going to happen ,up front,and it almost seems like stream of consciousness since she rarely pauses. Feels like a very long run on sentence. Should I go back and try again?
@sabergirl @Jett129 I struggled with this one too, need to revisit sometime, perhaps with a hard drink or two... I enjoy erratic, stream of consciousness material if its presented as a small slice of a greater narrative, but I got burnt out on this after twenty or so minutes...
@mclaincausey strong looking beard though
Bert, age 80, always wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots, so, seeing some on sale, he bought them and wore them home. Walking proudly, he sauntered into the kitchen and said to his wife, "Notice anything different about me?" Margaret, who is 75, looked him over. "Nope." Frustrated, Bert stormed off into the bathroom, undressed and walked back into the kitchen completely naked except for the boots.
Again he asked Margaret, a little louder this time,
"Notice anything different NOW?" Margaret looked up and said in her best deadpan, "Bert, what's different?
It's hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday, it'll be hanging down again tomorrow."
"Nope. Not a clue",", she replied.
Without missing a beat Margaret replied, "Shoulda bought a hat, Bert ... You should'a bought a hat!" -
@motojobobo Great one. I’ll be telling it!
@sabergirl I try not to buy into the mind-set of things 'not being for me'..
I've initially disliked some of my favourite music/books/movies in the past, but if something is adored by enough people, I see it as my duty to challenge my artistic sensibilities, and understand what makes these things great.
More often than not I end up loving them after a little time and effort
I’ve got a pretty high tolerance for comedy and I’ll watch an entire hour just to see if at some point the comedian gets it going. I’ll also hang in there if the audience is in stitches,just to see what I’m not getting. On the other hand I think Jerry Seinfeld is as brilliant of a comedian as there has ever been, but I don’t find him funny, and I haven’t seen his audience laughing all that much at his routine,but I watch because he’s just that good. I love Dave Chappell but didn’t think his last special was very good. Seeing comedy live, I think, is inherently funnier than watching on TV. Maybe I would like her in person.
@motojobobo I tried telling it today,and I started laughing before I got to the punch line,which made my friends laugh even harder when I finally said the punchline. Have to work on it.
@motojobobo Told that joke 4 times today,and it worked like a charm. Changed up a few things. The boots cost $2000,and it’s pointing not hanging. Left out their names and ages. I think some of them are still laughing.
@Jett129 well done! Don’t think I’ve ever edited a joke to improve it, good stuff. I thought it was a bit long-winded and shortening it may also improve it.
Are you getting the same laughs from male and female audiences? -
@motojobobo Only told it to one woman so far and she really liked it,but full disclosure,she tends to find me really funny.