Random Announcements
i finally graduate from the city university of new york today at the ripe young age of 36 with my BA in Cultural and Historical Studies. i figure my phd in sociology by the time i'm 65 or so
thank you all & yeah hec it was a hell of alot lot of fun.
think i will wear my Devil's to walk this evening
not late right on time for me
you should see how long it took me to learn how to walk & get potty trained as a kid, hahahahahaha
Congratulations, Monday! Graduation is sweeter when you do it later. It takes a lot more dedication and hard work to finish school while holding down a job and raising a family, so you have my sincerest respect.
nice one monday
Congratulations, Monday! Graduation is sweeter when you do it later. It takes a lot more dedication and hard work to finish school while holding down a job and raising a family, so you have my sincerest respect.
That is so true. Did the same thing recently and fuck was it hard. Hats off Monday….now enjoy the holidays