Random Announcements
thank you all & yeah hec it was a hell of alot lot of fun.
think i will wear my Devil's to walk this evening
not late right on time for me
you should see how long it took me to learn how to walk & get potty trained as a kid, hahahahahaha
Congratulations, Monday! Graduation is sweeter when you do it later. It takes a lot more dedication and hard work to finish school while holding down a job and raising a family, so you have my sincerest respect.
nice one monday
Congratulations, Monday! Graduation is sweeter when you do it later. It takes a lot more dedication and hard work to finish school while holding down a job and raising a family, so you have my sincerest respect.
That is so true. Did the same thing recently and fuck was it hard. Hats off Monday….now enjoy the holidays
thanks all, but didn't you all see the great arses over head, haahahahaha
Actually, no- I was on my phone and sometimes the pics don't show. Now that I've seen them, however, I'll have to agree with Giles. Alex's isn't as nice.:)
Oh, and the fact that you can objectively assess the two, without allowing any nepotism to color your judgment, shows you to be a man of integrity, Giles.
Please read this ! "Regrets of the Dying…."
http://inspirationandchai.com/Regrets-of-the-Dying.html -
i got a blister from bouldering with Ginno (self edge sf) yesterday that also happened to pop at mission cliffs. made me realize 2 things 1) i have baby soft hands and 2) i really miss climbing, though i only did it for one week, it made an impression and i would love to get back into it full time.
- Collegue calls on Thursday at 2.45 pm to say she's ill and won't make it - her shift started at 3.30…
- She says her doctor gave her Friday and Saturday off as well - we hussle up replacement, me having to go in on Saturday
- External control doctor overrules her doctor, she has to go in on Saturday
- Me: really happy about this... Saturdays are godawful plus it's 30 C° out there...
- I just notice I missed a call from work... Bollocks to them... Phone's going off... Céline's 'Death on the installment plan' and some work on the tan...
- Collegue calls on Thursday at 2.45 pm to say she's ill and won't make it - her shift started at 3.30…
- She says her doctor gave her Friday and Saturday off as well - we hussle up replacement, me having to go in on Saturday
- External control doctor overrules her doctor, she has to go in on Saturday
- Me: really happy about this... Saturdays are godawful plus it's 30 C° out there...
- I just notice I missed a call from work... Bollocks to them... Phone's going off... Céline's 'Death on the installment plan' and some work on the tan...
My guilt kicked in so I called… OTHER COLLEGUE IS SICK... Oh no no no... I don't have to go in today, no no... BUT TOMORROW... 07.15 am... Boom...