@JoshC great shout out on shogun! We just finished up episode 3 last night and really enjoying it. Early days but so far a masterful blend of historical drama, political intrigue and cultural exploration
@JoshC It's next on our list, so glad to see your recommendation. One episode of The Gentlemen left to watch and then we'll probably get on it.
@JoshC Yes we are really enjoying Shogun. We also watched Monarch and thought Anna Sawai was pretty bad in that (the show overall wasn't great), but she is amazing in Shogun. She carries the show with face acting alone.
@jordanscollected she is great in this, iv not watched Monarch and im not being sold on it by the sounds of it haha.
@EdH I reckon you'll really enjoy it I would be very surprised if you guys don't like it, not watched the gentlemen but I have seen the film so I will give it ago at some point.
@flannel-slut yeah I agree its really interesting I was watching a interview with Hiroyuki Sanada, and he was saying he would only do it if they hired Japanese actors as he wanted it to be culturally correct to Japans history, otherwise he wouldn't do it.
it will be interesting if they continue on from shogun once the 10 episodes are up and do whole story of "the Asian Saga" as it goes into different stories but all link but further down the line in time I believe from what I have read up.
@Matt Did you recognize this song in the first episode. I actually saw The Divinyls open for Cindy Lauper in the 80s. The show won a lot of awards in Australia.
Thank you so much @Jett129 . This is so amazingly un-woke and in retrospect exactly what I loved about the late 20th century. Of course, at the time it was 100% normal......But fuck, the millennials will be asking us to take down statues of the Divinyls before I can say I just want to touch myself......
On the contrary, @Giles to me a woman talking about masturbation is woke AF. I have no doubt that woman is empowered and doesn’t care about traditional expectations as to how she should behave or what she is allowed to say.
@mclaincausey That song was originally released in 1990,and at that time it was considered pretty risqué. She definitely leaned into it during their live performances.
@Jett129 yeah my mom was grievously horrified and offended
@mclaincausey said in TV:
On the contrary, @Giles to me a woman talking about masturbation is woke AF. I have no doubt that woman is empowered and doesn’t care about traditional expectations as to how she should behave or what she is allowed to say.
Good point. Though I am pretty sure that if it was released for the first time today, it would cause mayhem in certain circles.....
@JoshC Just decided to watch Shogun, really enjoyed the first episode!
@jiminstitches ayy, awesome im sure you will continue to enjoy it, it is very good and the episodes are just getting better.
@Matt "close your eyes... your eyes, can deceive you, we must not trust them, tell me what comes into your mind?
oh yes, I'm actual looking forward to this, its looking a lot more practical in the effects, but even the feel of Jedi have a different aura (not as arrogant) compared to prequels Jedi which is nice. what's your thoughts? you excited for it?
@JoshC @Matt - where does The Acolyte sit within the (viewing) timeline?
I’ve been blasting through The Bad Batch of late, only to find that the last few S3 episodes haven’t been released yet…doh!
Need to decide whether to go back and watch The Clone Wars (the series) or go forward and watch The Book of Boba Fett then S3 of the Mandalorian (I have seen S1 and S2).
I haven’t seen any of the other series yet.