IHJ-131-RED - CORDURA® Windbreaker - Red
@DeeDee85 I get that, but for me this is a different kind of jacket, and it goes in the coat cupboard not the wardrobe, so I can bypass that problem. You’re welcome to borrow either/both excuses if you need to
The colour really is great (the photos were cropped and nothing else, so the colour is fairly accurate).
@ARNC I really debated this one in my own brain since the SS24 reveal… I don’t own anything light and fully waterproof so I was leaning towards buying it and talked myself out of it with the reason being “it would take away valuable wear time from my other non-waterproof fading projects I’m neglecting”
to say we are a strange bunch would be an understatement wouldn’t it
@ARNC you’ve got me checking if my size is still in stock now
I’ve managed to slip in a couple of indigo shirts in lately with my wife thinking they are the same shirt, that excuse won’t wash here will it…
@goosehd that is a stroke of genius right there.. I might have to save that for a big buck though. Or the teacore type 3. Or a split steer
@DeeDee85 I believe that excuse has been used by multiple people here in the past...It's been referenced a few times and I too thought it was genius. Haven't used it yet as I gauge the death stare, me sleeping on the couch, and my likelihood of surviving the night with every package being delivered.
There's been a few times where I just about used it though...
@goosehd I’ll save that one for when she’s nearly at breaking point with it then…
I was doing well at first with the “these are lifetime products, it will save me buying it a second time” line but then pretty much shit on my own reasoning by following it up with “I’m also going to try and destroy it as fast as I can by wearing it constantly” and “I know they last a lifetime but I’ll be needing ten pairs of jeans and thirty shirts too”
I am guilty of buying one of these red beauties they are a great summer waterproof for our lovely english summers,light enough if its not too cold or you can layer underneath if you buy a liitle oversized.
The red looks good on you @doubletee. If you saved even more money you could have upgraded from your flip phone (grainy picture quality joke). boom
Enjoy the jacket, and please update us eventually on breathability. I know some of the Cordura garments can lack breathability.
yeah not sure what is going on with this photo. Dark ages for me
@doubletee I'm still rocking an iPhone 8 and I just had the battery replaced to extend my ancient tech even longer. I shouldn't be one to talk.
@doubletee Those work great if you can stand still for five minutes…