Quotes Worth Quoting
I feel like you need to incorporate the bottom ring somehow.
Don't worry about getting old. You're still going to do stupid stuff ... Only slower.
This quote from @denim-dawg belongs right here!
Great thread idea! I have a note on my phone full of a ton of cool quotes. I could read this thread all day if I had the time.
Here are a some from my notes:
“Were sitting under the tree of our thinking minds wondering why we’re not getting any sunshine.”
-Ram Das“You can either try to carpet the entire world. Or you can just wear slippers all the time.”
-James Hetfield"If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough." -Mario Andretti
I like anything on the philosophy of beauty, found this one interesting:
Beauty is an interesting concept.
You can talk about beauty of things, and you can talk about beauty of ideas,
but for me beauty is a feeling, more than anything else.
It’s the feeling when the imperfect finds balance, and gives me peace of mind.Pálmar Kristmundsson, Architect from Iceland
(Apple Series „Home“) -
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there".
This comes from a poem called "The Great Wagon" by Rumi. I love that line.
@endo beautiful quote and a beautiful series
"If at first it doesn't fit, schnizzle it a little bit." - My dad, a self-employed home improvement contractor, giving instruction on how to effectively modify a component that requires removal of material in order to fit into an intended space.
@WhiskeySandwich I’m stealing this…need more schnizzle in my life
@RobeOfTheMagi beautiful
@WhiskeySandwich "schnizzle" - I need to include that into my vocabulary
@endo I think if you were to look up this words etymology, you may find Snoop Dogg in there somewhere....
'The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain, and so obvious, and so simple, and yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves'
Alan Watts
One of the quotes I turn to when the trappings of modern life get on top of me...
Saw it painted on a hostel wall many years ago, and never forgot it.
I listen to the voice of Alan Watts when I cannot sleep.
@RobeOfTheMagi me too!