Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
I don't know who keeps bringing up blanket lined duck jackets but that guy is onto something. What about a blanket lined version of either of my favorite summer time jackets, the IHJ-61 and the IHJ-124-BLK?
21oz Sashiko in a CPO shirt cut!
Or CPO heavy flannels would be daf too!
@neph93 said in Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?:
Legendary fabric, great fit. Nice designs. I own five
I absolutely love the long and short sleeved ts with prints. I hop on those every chance I get. I'm just glad they are making them to begin with.
Has a 16oz slubby shirt ever been mentioned? Starting to think an OD slubby CPO would be all kinds of good
@DeeDee85 Would love an OD slubby shirt!
@Jett129 said in Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?:
With the popularity of the 19OZ OD Lefty denim jackets,was overdying 19OZ Lefty jeans ever talked,or thought about?
Definitely thought about. From memory, H was concerned about the amount of unpredictable skew that would occur.....
IH Baker pants
We made them once.....
Glad to see more wool products with the DR release... they sold well but hopefully the fall woolens also sell well.
What is the ratio of sizes (S/M/L/XL etc) made in a typical release? I'm guessing that Medium, Large, and XL are the majority made (75% or so) and the other 25% are the other sizes? I'm sure it's different by garment but if there's a general guide it might be helpful to know.
Sometimes I gauge what size I should take based on what others are taking but that's not a helpful measurement if the proportion of sizes in a run is uneven, if you get my gist... thanks.
@goosehd I probably didn't explain well... as I'm often between sizes it's sometimes a factor which is selling faster. Not the final decision just a layer of information to weigh in the decision.
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@Hematoma Iron Heart would make a great version of this jacket. In the meantime, that looks a lot like the Indigofera Eagle Rising jacket.
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A copper button complement for the workshirts.