I now believe that the brothers Gallagher timed this reunion to coincide perfectly with a low point in human history. I think they were just waiting for shit to get so far out of hand that only the greatest living rock & roll band of all time could pull humanity out of its collective toilet. I’m feeling a serious Bill & Ted vibe now. I believe they’ll heal us all.
May be an unpopular opinion ( similar to my praise for the andre 3k flute album) but I'm 100% in favor of hip hop legends stretching their wings
@T4920 I come from a similar place with enjoying ambient and new age music (to a point) so it wasn't much of a stretch to be able to enjoy an album of synth pads and flute.
IMO the grumbles on Andres album came from the fact that people really wanted another Outkast type album and what they felt like they got was a green half-caf half-decaf mint mocha latte, foam on the bottom, in a vase.
@GraemeE I feel like that speaks more to the entitlement of certain individuals rather than the creative integrity (or lack thereof) of an artists work.
He's clearly still got a 'classic' in him though.. He's stolen the show whenever he's been featured on hip hop tracks in recent years, but I respect anyone who's willing to step out side of their lane and dabble in things they're passionate about rather than churning out something for the sake of pleasing the masses.
Speaking of critical discourse, this is one guy that I'll always have time for. His take on New Blue Sun really resonated with me.
Super hyped for The Ocean on Wednesday. Been listening to them today, still blown away by the final three tracks on their to date second to last album Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic | Cenozoic:
Miocene | Pliocene:
Such an amazing way to end an incredible album
Every so often I go down a weird outsider music rabbit hole, which always ends with me listening to the Shaggs in a very confused state... I love the story behind them. I find music made in this way to be pretty psychedelic and pure. Has a way of opening up my mind/ears to different sorts of pathways when myself playing music.
Anyone else got any weirdo music recommendations?