Who Skates?
Has anyone got personal experience with the Comet Cruiser?
Been skating since I was 14, so almost 30 yrs. Used to manage an indoor skate park/shop back in Vermont and worked at a skate company when first moved to SF in 2008. Dont get out as much as I used to but still get down here and there. Live close to waller, and everything in SF is a skate spot. Haven’t skated that much since March of this year. Broke my arm, didn’t heal right/or at all. Got surgery end of July, and my Arm been so much better, post surgey. Could feel my bone move and hear it grind before surgery it sucked. Like 2 weeks after surgery, I was skating flat ground after work, trying take it easy. Ate shit and almost fucked up my 6 screws/arm all over again. Thankfully I was alright took slam on knee and elbow, but Was a wake up call. I was bombing into work, and that could’ve been way worse hit a rock, car etc. Since then just been walking in to work, so not tempted to skate. Till my arm is back to
. I’ll be back though, itching
@TENDREL rad video, thanks for sharing. I remember the first time I saw Wallenberg. I had moved from the UK to SF for college and just happened to be staring out the bus window….i lost my mind and immediately got out. It was surreal to be a place that I had seen on videos/mags. Special place. I wonder if they’ll do a video on Hubba Hideout
@Inorganic they got one on hubba, emb, pier 7 whole series mostly in sf few episodes in nyc.
@Inorganic Oh nice! Same thing here. I went to USF down the street. First day I walked over to Wallenber.
@meatmarketdenim1 Oh yeah forgot about the NYC, the one on blubba and the court house is really good.
@TENDREL whoa! I went to USF as well for my undergrad! I was there 98-03 - studied chemistry + maths. small world
Speaking of SF skating, and to keep this thread going. This is my roomie, best friend, much more than that brother I never had, David Abair last part! Friends since back in Vermont and major reason I moved out to SF 16yrs ago and def stayed was cuz of him our brother hood. He put out a lot of sick parts over the years but this last one extra special. Love and miss him everyday. -
@meatmarketdenim1 super sick skating man. I love those infamous SF bomber run outs after a gap trick or the like.
Did something happen to your buddy Dave?
@Mizmazzle love this part. It Came out during Covid so wasn’t a premiere like his others etc. but we watched it in his room, few weeks before thrasher released it. Had a cutty RBL posse track but they couldn’t get clear its rights/money ish etc . And yeah unfortunately he passed away july 2021
@meatmarketdenim1 said in Who Skates?:
…Love and miss him everyday.
Great you keep memories alive meatmarketdenim1!
Thanks for sharing. -
Thank you man, keep our memories going rest of my life.Heres pic of all his pro boards ever on this company called scum co hanging up in my apartment. He always gave me one to hang, ones to skate etc Gear wheels and all that. He also Said I was only person to have them all. The last 2 bottom right side came out after. Anyway hope not too sad/bummer of a post. Just wanted share his part for the skate thread and since taking about SF. -
@meatmarketdenim1 Oh bro...such a sad story. Sorry to hear things turned out like they did. Sounds like he was a rad dude who was loved dearly.
I have a sadly, similar story myself. My buddy Ross. Since we were both 18, we skated together every single day. As we grew older, we continued to skate and go through our young party years. We were best friends for 15 years until we sort of grew apart. I pursued education and matured, he seemed stuck in his adolescence and rutted out.
The saddest part of the story, he always wanted to start his own skate company. He talked about it all the time in all our years skating together. He finally got his shit together and somehow got it off the ground. He moved to Vegas and made it happen! He started a company called Colonial and they were doing great!
One night coming home from a party he crashed his motorcycle and it all came to an end. I too have his boards as momentos and keep them on the wall.
Thanks for sharing your story man. And thanks for letting me share mine. Our brothers will live on forever this way!
@Mizmazzle thank you for the kind words and sharing you story of your homie as well. And you are def right they will always live on with us