The Iron Heart Forum 15th and the Iron Heart 22nd Anniversary Party
@goosehd looks awesome guys
Let me add my thanks for organizing and hosting an exceptionel party, and for an amazing 2days in Gosport! En route slowly back to Gatwick... Stopover in The White Horse in Haslemere.
I’m still thinking about that Trophy horsehide jacket…
It‘s been awesome meeting you all, many old friends but also new ones and those I‘d know from the forum but never met in person. Thank you all for having such a great time together, you are wonderful, well-dressed people.
But most of all my thanks belongs to @Alex for being such a generous and attentive host. Thanks so much for making this possible, Alex, and bringing all these wonderful crazy people together!
Unfortunately we had to leave early to catch the ferry and couldn‘t say good-bye and hug everyone as much as we would have liked. Therefore, if you didn’t see us this morning please take our hugs and best wishes for a safe return by this way.
Hope to see you all again soon. Love you.
Mrs E & endo -
Halfway home and catching up while waiting for an obscenely large bad coffee to cool enough to drink.
Huge thanks to @alex and the crew for hosting another great event and to friends old and new for their part in this. If I didn’t get to speak with you, you can count yourself one of the lucky ones, but there’s always next time!
Also thanks to the progenitor of great and terrible ideas (aka @neph93) for inadvertently inspiring me to pick up a 307 from the shop this morning. This was a great one – I always love additions to my wardrobe that come with a story.
If anyone has seen @Kasi tell him he left his shorts in Unit 2.
@Tago-Mago we were a bit worse for wear this morning so we didn’t make it to the shop. We were unceremoniously awoken by the faulty smoke detectors at the apartment. You still in town?
next year ?
Hi @jtaylor69 hope you and Tamsin made it home ok last night.
@Daniel-San at this point it’s wishful thinking on my part
@jtaylor69 the pleasure was all ours. It was great meeting and talking to you. Hope you also have a safe return and see you at the next party. Best from Mrs E and me.