SExIH07 Jeans (Indigo, Black)
hahahaha LOL
Beats - here you go!
Got these back from self edge last week. Almost a year wearing. Washed a handful of times
Jaco - I'll take some tomorrow. Self Edge did a great job
you thrashed those jeans.
why did they repair some holes & not others?? i'm pretty sure it will take years before any of my jeans look like that.
great job
Per jaco's request (a couple of SR pics in the Annie thread), here are the photos of repairs + gave them a wash this morning after stepping in a foot deep puddle/hole on Friday.
Picture overload.
Pocketbags re-stitched
And patch love. In desperate need of some conditioner, but will get some this week.
And as far as the holes, some aren't easy/worth fixing (the coin pocket for example), some I just don't care about fixing. Wabi-sabi. These turned a year old on the 7th. About 10.5 months or so of wear.