IHSH-401-NAV - 12oz Ultra Heavy Flannel Chalk Stripe Western Shirt - Navy
@StarsSuck said in IHSH-401-NAV - 12oz Ultra Heavy Flannel Chalk Stripe Western Shirt - Navy:
Can someone confirm if this is Indigo or Navy? I've seen both in various places, including the email today.
It’s navy. The product pages are both correct, I think it must have just been a mind slip when we wrote the NL copy as we compare it aesthetically to the indigo wabash. Sorry about the confusion
I really like the idea of UHFs that are not just the traditional check designs
@Darth-fader clothes that express ideas are compelling for me as well, I think that's why I like IH so much, it's about the idea of being "atemporal" as William Gibson said https://www.heddels.com/2015/03/william-gibson-interview-buzz-rickson-line-tech-wear-limits-authenticity/
got mine, love it......this one is now officially my new favourite UHF (the orange one has been dethroned)
Just picked mine up. Exactly as I hoped. Very nice and actually a darker shade of blue than in the pictures. Still surprised how quickly the IH-team gets stuff from Gosport to Stockholm (it was sent yesterday afternoon). Probably you are a great customer to UPS
A few shots next to the IHSH-62-ind.
This post is deleted!
@Molle Nice shots!
(And shirts!)
Such a killer flannel, wearing it today and wore it over the weekend to Stitchdown Boot Camp in NYC